Peter Schaller of the United Way sent in this write-up about a mobile food pantry event in Fair Haven:
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers
Ned Lamont lashed out at his opponent at a final get-out-the-vote rally in New Haven — not the opponent he needs to beat in Tuesday’s Democratic primary, but the one he expects to face in November.
Isis Davis-Marks |
Aug 12, 2018 11:23 am
At the third annual Puerto Rican festival, members of the New Haven community gathered for dancing, eating, and — of course — playing a couple games of dominoes.
Thomas Breen |
Jul 25, 2018 3:56 pm
The city’s Health Department has found lead paint hazards at two neighboring Exchange Street properties that are home to children with elevated blood lead levels.
Allan Appel |
Jul 23, 2018 8:09 am
They might not haven been cavorting in their bathing suits in the splash pad or yelling to go higher on the playground swings. Yet the older folks, about 40 strong, were definitely the center of attention and having a fine time of it Friday at Dover Beach Park by the Quinnipiac River in Fair Haven.
Carly Wanna |
Jul 20, 2018 11:37 am
The Fair Haven Community Health Care Center is one step closer to purchasing a foreclosed property of 342 Grand Ave. for $2,000. Now, all it requires is few more city approvals and hundreds of thousands of dollars for renovations.
Christopher Peak |
Jul 9, 2018 3:41 pm
In his other sixth-grade classes, Keybein often stayed quiet, hesitating to mispronounce his words. But in his bilingual intervention class, he hopped over chairs to get to the white-board where he wrote answers in Spanish.
Allison Park |
Jul 9, 2018 12:19 pm
Wilbur Cross High School rising senior Nina Javier knew she had to incorporate agriculture into her business venture. Instead of writing a recipe, she created her own carrot body scrub.
Thomas Breen |
Jun 27, 2018 8:04 am
Curtis Hill had to cut back on the statewide reach of his free computer training and giveaway program when his 15-year-old company lost its line item in the state budget last year.
Maria Felicidad Guallan’s search for a better life came at a painful cost — leaving her son behind at the border. Now she’s scared of being separated from her young daughter as well.
Allan Appel |
Jun 15, 2018 8:00 am
The owner sells the oldest surviving Federalist commercial building in the area to her tenant.
When they raise their glasses to mark the occasion, they toast not each other or to the deal they have just signed, but to “202 years of beauty in Fair Haven. May it go on.”
As the 212 bus left Downtown for Grand Avenue, Skyler Shepard told Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner Ned Lamont about his recent struggles with homelessness.
Brian Slattery |
Jun 14, 2018 8:01 am
For teenager Chai’s birthday, his girlfriend Caryn is getting him something unusual: a new name.
She knows Chai doesn’t like his name, his full name, so behind his back she does some crowdfunding and raises the money — over $2,000 — to legally make the change.
One thing, though: Chai doesn’t know what to change it to. Another thing: Caryn doesn’t even know why Chai doesn’t like his name, or what it will do to his small nuclear family if he tries to change it.
Markeshia Ricks |
Jun 12, 2018 2:46 pm
Before the new owners of the historic Hamilton Street Clock Factory seal it up and begin the arduous process of turning it into artist lofts, a few ghosts returned to haunt the buildings abandoned halls.
Ed Rodriguez wanted to turn the garage behind his Exchange Street home into an apartment for his daughter, her husband, and their child.
But he failed to clear his plans by the city first, and a dispute with a neighbor plus a city agency sweep of the neighborhood have put a pause on his hopes to increase the number of residential units on his property. At least, until he gets his permits in place.
Mallards, pintails, goldeneyes, scoters, mergansers, even geese — the constituents who will benefit the most — made no appearance at an announcement that might save some of their lives.
Allan Appel |
May 31, 2018 11:59 am
A little girl living on Front Street fell in love with tennis. In the winter months, in a family unable to afford a club, she went over to the Farnam Neighborhood House on Fillmore Street and hit the ball against the gymnasium walls.
Roll the clock ahead some decades, and that little girl grew up to earn a full academic and athletic scholarship to Howard University, become a pediatrician, and assume the role of president of the board of directors at Farnam, now called The Farnam Community.
Isis Davis-Marks |
May 25, 2018 11:59 am
The efforts of many teachers who work tirelessly to ensure that food and clothing are provided to immigrant families often go unnoticed. The same goes for students who don’t make the honor roll but do dramatically improve their grades and attendance.