Sam Gurwitt |
Nov 18, 2019 1:05 pm
Bob Percopo heard trucks and chainsaws behind his house start up at about 6:30 a.m. on Friday, he said.
Now that the leaves have fallen, he could see right through the woods to where a landscaper has been illegally processing wood and dumping debris 90 feet onto an adjacent property owner’s land. The town plans to take action.
After decades of leaky ceilings and floor puddles, students and teachers at the West Woods School in Hamden will have to wait even longer for any long-term fixes.
Sam Gurwitt |
Nov 14, 2019 8:31 am
One week after protesters showed up at Hamden Mayor Curt Leng’s house to demand action on the shooting of Stephanie Washington by a Hamden police officer, over 100 people showed up to the town’s Police Commission Wednesday to confront the commission on its silence since the shooting.
Sam Gurwitt |
Nov 14, 2019 8:30 am
After sitting vacant for a decade and a half, a notorious eyesore has gotten a makeover, and is now ready to attract a new surge of business activity — and youth — to southern Hamden.
After 32 years, the Hamden Police Department announced Wednesday that it has arrested a 52-year-old New Haven man suspected of murdering a father and son in 1987.
Forty-five minutes after the sun had set, about 25 protesters gathered outside Hamden Mayor Curt Leng’s house to disrupt the silence setting over his chilly Ridge Hill neighborhood — and to ask Leng to end his own.
They did not come out to praise Dr. Abdul-Majid Karim Hasan at length. They came to bury him — with the simplicity, modesty, and deep faith characteristic of one of New Haven’s pioneering religious leaders.
As two groups walked around Hamden’s West Woods neighborhood Sunday afternoon with paper maps and glossy candidate literature, they heard a lot of stories about a familiar topic: taxes.
Jay Kaye is running for mayor as a Republican in a Democratic town — and he argues that his focus on reining in taxes and government spending can propel him to victory.
A few years ago, New Haven police officers arrested Holly Tucker’s mother on the New Haven Green. Tuesday evening, she confronted the assistant chief who had overseen the arrest for how he had treated her.
Protesters rounded the bend into the Hamden Government Center Wednesday evening, raising their arms into the lightly drizzling air and facing a police car with its lights flashing.
Sam Gurwitt |
Oct 29, 2019 7:45 am
Hamden Mayor Curt Leng and Republican Challenger Jay Kaye shared two perspectives on policing, debt, an animal shelter, and other facets of Hamden’s present and future on Monday in their first debate of the general election cycle.
Hamden High sophomore Maddi came to school Friday wearing a sweater over her tank top. She didn’t mind, given the temperature outside. But come warmer weather, she’ll risk having a teacher order her to wear the sweater — in order to conform to the dress code.