
DeLauro Slays The "House" Down Boots

by | Sep 27, 2024 4:47 pm | Comments (8)

DeLauro's twitter

Don’t understand the headline of this story? Neither do we, really. Our Gen Z correspondent is here to help.

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro’s most recent post on X (formerly known as Twitter) sticks out in the midst of policy-driven proclamations and support for foreign allies. It’s a TikTok-style video, where the 81-year-old congresswoman speaks what to many might be gibberish, but to an entire generation, is perfectly clear.

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Understaffing Blamed For School Building Decay

by | Sep 27, 2024 1:38 pm | Comments (33)

Cross girls' locker room, photo courtesy of Cross counselor Mia Comulada Breuler.

New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) leaders said the district needs 33 more tradesmen to just begin working towards addressing its thousands of building-disrepair work orders — while the head of the school system’s custodial union called for more in-house hiring, and less private contracting.

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1 Week Later, Rally Protests Police Shooting

by | Sep 27, 2024 9:59 am | Comments (18)

Nathaniel Rosenberg photos

Protest organizer Kerry Ellington: “The police could have chosen a nonviolent alternative."

Conley's cousins Tamara Flint, Ronisha Moore, and Maya Harris, at Thursday's protest.

A week to the hour after a fatal confrontation between police and 36-year-old New Havener Jebrell Conley, protesters gathered at the car wash where the shooting took place — to criticize law enforcement for how they handled last Thursday’s attempted arrest, and to describe Conley as more than just his criminal record.

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Megalopolis Brings Arthouse To Cinemark

by | Sep 27, 2024 9:23 am | Comments (6)

Adam Driver and Nathalie Emmanuel in Megalopolis, which feels at times like an object lesson in what happens when no one is able to tell a filmmaker when his ideas are bad.

The lights dimmed in a movie theater Thursday night for maybe the most prime example of an arthouse film to come along this year, and together the audience watched as Cesar Catilina, played by Adam Driver, edged out of his office window to stand on a metal ledge at the edge of a skyscraper, balancing vertiginously over traffic. He wobbled, and almost began to fall. 

It was the opening scene on opening night for legendary director Francis Ford Coppola’s new movie, Megalopolis: A Fable, but we weren’t in an arthouse theater. We were in Cinemark, in North Haven, the closest place screening the limited-release film. With the Criterion closed and New Haven without a first-run theater of any kind, would it be the same?

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Crisis-Response Crew Adds Third Shift

by | Sep 25, 2024 3:42 pm | Comments (18)

Thomas Breen file photo

Community Resilience Director Tirzah Kemp: COMPASS provides an "empathetic, compassionate, humane, and trauma-informed approach to care."


COMPASS calls, by the #s, as presented in August report.

The city’s non-cop crisis response team will now be on call until 3 a.m. each day — with double the staffers working during the peak hours of 7 to midnight — as the Elicker administration again expands its effort to send social workers and not police to certain 911 calls about homelessness, mental health, and substance abuse.

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"Brell" File Reveals Violent Robbery, Childhood

by | Sep 25, 2024 12:47 pm | Comments (42)

Inspector General photo

Conley, as pictured after shooting at police during fatal confrontation on Sept. 19.

2016 sentencing memo image

Conley's fifth-grade perfect attendance certificate, as included as exhibit in defense sentencing memo in 2016 federal drug case.

The fatal confrontation last week between police and 36-year-old New Havener Jebrell Conley stemmed from a July 3 robbery in Hamden during which Conley and others allegedly hit, pistol-whipped, and shot a man as they stole his drugs and money.

That in turn stemmed from Conley’s years-long involvement in the illegal drug trade and New Haven gang life — which grew out of a troubled upbringing in the Hill in the 1990s and the shooting death of a brother whom he looked up to as a father.

Those details and many more are included in federal court documents about criminal cases involving Conley, who appeared to fire first at — and then was shot and killed by — city and state police as they sought to serve him with a robbery-shooting warrant late in the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 19, at a car wash just over the New Haven-West Haven town border.

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Cross Calls Out Building Decay "Crisis"

by | Sep 25, 2024 10:00 am | Comments (40)

Maya McFadden Photos

Cross staffers speak out (clockwise from top left): Brian Grindrod, Eric Teichman, Kathryn Dadio, Dario Sulzman, Mia Comulada Breuler, and Mark CoFrancesco.

Nearly 20 Wilbur Cross educators, parents, and students showed up to the latest Board of Education meeting to give the city’s public school district a failing grade for unsafe, unhealthy, and unsightly building conditions at New Haven’s largest high school.

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Tenant To Mandy: Please Don't Fix My Apartment

by | Sep 24, 2024 12:06 pm | Comments (14)

Thomas Breen photo

Yvonne Watts (right), with neighbor Lourdes Oritz, at a Mandy Management building that has failed two recent LCI inspections: "If they fix anything else, they're going to go up on rent."

Yvonne Watts said she doesn’t want Mandy Management to repair her bathroom mirror or replace her kitchen countertops — because she’s afraid that will raise the rent too high.

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Report, Videos Detail Fatal Police Shooting

by | Sep 23, 2024 5:25 pm | Comments (39)

State Police Sgt. Richter's body cam footage. Warning: This video contains graphic violence.

(Updated) Jebrell Conley appeared to fire first as cops boxed him in and tried to arrest him on robbery-shooting charges at a car wash just over the New Haven-West Haven border.

Three of those officers — including two city cops — responded by shooting and killing Conley.

Those details are included in a preliminary report released by the state Office of the Inspector General on Monday afternoon.

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A Clean Lawn, & A Path Past Prison

by | Sep 23, 2024 4:18 pm | Comments (7)

Laura Glesby Photo

Harold Jones, in the "flow" scooping early fall leaves in Upper Westville.

You can’t work with a cluttered mind,” said Harold Jones as he de-cluttered the Ijeh family’s front yard — on a job outing where stories of incarceration and reentry, witnessed and experienced from different angles, had a chance to intersect.

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