Trump Plague Fantasia
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| Apr 8, 2020 1:56 pm |by Comments (4)
| Apr 8, 2020 1:56 pm |by Comments (0)
| Apr 8, 2020 9:28 am |In his basement studio on Edwards Street — but before a virtual audience of 30 — sculptor Charles Jones explained on Tuesday night how to build dishes out of clay.
He didn’t use a potter’s wheel, or particularly specialized tools. He had a length of wire. He had a rolling pin. He had scraps of wood and paper, and some foam, and pieces of Plexiglas that he explained he had found in the trash.
“It’s really just a matter of looking around and finding things that’ll work,” he said.
Continue reading ‘Creative Arts Workshop Opens Online Doors’
Diamond Powell Sr. was sick and tired of hearing that black people don’t have to worry about contracting Covid-19. Because he is black — and has been sick and tired with Covid-19. To the point that he thought he was dying.
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| Apr 7, 2020 1:05 pm |by Comments (2)
| Apr 7, 2020 10:53 am |Staffer Margaret Milano on the first Friday of the campaign.
Paul Mayer, whose Cafe Nine nightclub faces an uncertain post-Covid-19 future, said the suggestion for a virtual tip jar for his employees came from “out of the blue.”
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| Apr 6, 2020 9:17 am |Chris Randall Photos
Jessica Lynn.
Jessica Lynn — founder, owner and instructor at Polefly Aerial Fitness — has a travel pole that has made its way over the past six years through a variety of New Haven locations, from a talent show at the Yale Forestry School to a burlesque show at Elm City Social and many places in between. Currently, however, it resides at Lynn’s house as she and her staff seek out ways to share the same talent and training typically available at Polefly’s Wooster Street studio with their beloved community during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Part of Polefly’s answer: video.
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| Apr 3, 2020 3:14 pm |“I will not pay the security of the Dukes of Sussex.”
“I told you to invite him to the wedding.”
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| Apr 3, 2020 12:03 pm |For Stuart Kramer
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| Apr 3, 2020 9:57 am |Carlson.
“Holy Motors,” from S.G. Carlson’s new release Sing The Hits, ambles along in an easy way, but it’s tinged with a little sadness; it’s a late summer evening with the first bite of fall. That bite is reflected in the lyrics: “You know I’m dying for it / You know I’m dying to be / Just a rock in a stream,” Carlson sings. “And when you’re making your coffee / And when you’re brushing your teeth / I’ll be here living the dream.”
Continue reading ‘Sam Carlson Finds The Opportunity In Isolation’
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| Apr 2, 2020 10:12 am |As the evening light began to fade on Pearl Street, a message began to appear in one of the first-floor windows. The letters emerged from a warm, yellow field of fabric: “Fear is a terrible driver and a worse tour guide.”
It was the third of many projected daily messages that are the latest project from artist Martha Lewis, who, like many artists, is adapting to practicing art during the Covid-19 outbreak.
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| Apr 1, 2020 10:35 am |Before Sam Haller’s “anchors aweigh” booty shorts graced the pages of The Guardian this week while he pretended to eat a doll’s head, before they were written up around the world, and before comforters were recognized as accurate renaissance garments, four roommates were chatting on a Google hangout in quarantine.
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| Apr 1, 2020 10:23 am |For you.. doctors and nurses. Thank you thank you for your tireless service and humanity. 🙏Andrius Zlabys for your music composition
Posted by Susan Clinard on Thursday, March 26, 2020
The video only lasts a minute, but it seems longer, in the best sense. In it, sculptor Susan Clinard lets us see one of her latest pieces from all angles, as the piece slowly rotates. Two figures stand in the center of it. They have each others’ backs. The face masks identify them as health care workers. And they’re engaged in the simple gesture of laying hands on ailing patients. Andrius Zlabys’s accompanying piece guides us in our reaction. The central figures’ gestures are kindnesses that carry risk, and the piece is bearing witness — to the danger nurses and doctors face, and their bravery in facing it.
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| Mar 31, 2020 12:03 pm |Forgive me for thinking you’re always just there
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| Mar 30, 2020 10:51 am |Bowens-Mercado with husband John Mercado in video class.
One, two, three, HIP, five, six, seven, HIP!
I counted to myself while trying to copy Alisa Bowens-Mercado’s bachata moves over Facebook Live.
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| Mar 30, 2020 9:58 am |Manny James, clad in a black bathrobe, was a third of the way through his set Sunday afternoon. He had just finished covering Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On?” when Corey, playing keyboards, approached the camera to make sure everything was in working order.
“This is what you do when you’re in quarantine with your bros,” he said. “You got to have music to feed your soul.”
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| Mar 27, 2020 12:23 pm |Brian Slattery Photo
Ceschi knows what it’s like to live through a wave of unexpected deaths — and come out the other side with a reality-based determination to keep living and creating.
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| Mar 27, 2020 12:22 pm |Continue reading ‘Ventilators, Herd Immunity, And A Pandemic Sabbath’
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| Mar 27, 2020 10:05 am |Coggins.
The piano has the feel of something that belongs in church. with its rolling notes and easy swing. Yolanda Coggins’s voice floats over those notes, resting comfortably in that big American musical space that nourishes R&B, jazz, and gospel. But the words — “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers — / That perches in the soul — / And sings the tune without the words — And never stops — at all —” — don’t come from any particular musical tradition, but rather from the pen of famous New England poet Emily Dickinson.
New Haven-area musician Rob Nelson has been setting Dickinson’s poems to music and releasing recordings of that music for months now. In the thick of the Covid-19 outbreak, he’s finding that the “guerrilla tactics” he’s been using to make an album’s worth of material are letting him keep going.
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| Mar 26, 2020 7:09 pm |Keep taking the family out to eat, strengthen the economy … get out
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| Mar 26, 2020 11:53 am |Posted by Illustrator and Artist: Amie Ziner on Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Chuckles, a ring-necked African dove in mid-molt, is perched on the top of his cage, strutting, cooing, and preening. Artist and educator Amie Ziner explains that “preening is what birds do to clean their feathers and to make them more usable for flying. Now, Chuckles can’t fly, not because he was ever hurt or anything, but because he has special feathers.” Feathers, Ziner explains, that she talked about the day before.
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| Mar 26, 2020 10:57 am |Zoom
Arts Council Executive Director Daniel Fitzmaurice on Thursday’s Zoom announcement.
Artists in New Haven can now apply for a $1,000 check to help with the economic downturn created by the Covid-19 public health crisis.
This New Haven Creative Sector Relief Fund launches on Thursday, through the efforts of the city arts department and the Arts Council of Greater New Haven.
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| Mar 25, 2020 5:04 pm |Paul Bass Photos
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| Mar 25, 2020 12:55 pm |Karahi King, LLC Photo
Elison Jackson.
“We’re lucky,” said Sam Perduta of Elison Jackson. “Paul” — as in, Paul Mayer, owner of Cafe Nine — “asked us to hop on a show at Cafe Nine a couple of weeks ago with the Yawpers, and it was really fun. I’m glad we said yes. It was one of our best shows, and I guess our last for a while.”
Continue reading ‘Elison Jackson Returns With “Caught One In The Jaw”’
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| Mar 25, 2020 10:50 am |Brian Slattery File Photo
Moon Rocks owner Marni Esposito (at right): Doubts shop will survive.
With chairs stacked on tables after Gov. Ned Lamont ordered all dine-in restaurant service closed on March 16, most Hamden restaurateurs have managed to stay afloat for now with deliveries and takeout. But they’re scraping the bottom of the pan, they said, and some may soon be baking their last batches and flipping their last pies.
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| Mar 24, 2020 3:37 pm |Who doesn’t enjoy washing hands
With prompting even little kids do