Reinaldo’s Corner
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| Jun 10, 2020 1:18 pm |
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| Jun 10, 2020 1:18 pm |by Comments (0)
| Jun 10, 2020 12:00 pm |This morning definitely one of the most beautiful ever
At least from this tiny perspective never
Continue reading ‘And Now It’s Time For A Musical Interlude’
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| Jun 10, 2020 10:15 am |Clenn Plannetts starts off alone, but it doesn’t take long for the bass and drums to fall in. “You don’t belong to anyone,” he sings, though in the first verse it’s about a dog. Rudeyna dips into a tropicalia vibe, and falls into lush harmonies with herself. Mooncha hits the club floor while Stefanie Clark Harris gets swoony.
The continuing parade of New Haven-based musicians is part of Waiting on a Sunrise, Vol. 2, from fellow musician Alex Burnet’s new digital-only label, Free as Birds. Like the first volume, it listens almost like a snapshot of how New Haven’s musicians are doing during the Covid-19 pandemic — and how they’re getting ready for whatever’s next.
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| Jun 9, 2020 3:48 pm |Maya McFadden Photo
The eighth and final billboard was put on display Tuesday for the city government’s Covid-19 “Mask Up” campaign on Middletown Avenue.
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| Jun 9, 2020 3:22 pm |by Comments (1)
| Jun 9, 2020 10:20 am |Contributed Photos
Jada and Madison (Maddy) McAulay (pictured) started a neighborhood Black Lives Matter chalk event to turn West Elm Street into “West BLM Street” for a day.
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| Jun 9, 2020 10:15 am |Karen Ponzio Photos
Corina and her very New Haven find.
“Should I buy this shirt?” Maria Corina asked me as she held up a slate gray T‑shirt that had the words “New Haven” across it, along with a picture of the city’s skyline.
It was the first time we had both been out shopping with a friend present, in person, in a very long time.
It was also the first time for this type of shopping experience at Vintanthromodern, a vintage store that had decided on a hot Saturday afternoon to hold its first tag sale in the back parking lot of its Westville location. Not only would it give customers a chance to get back to what they love — shopping for vintage deals — but it would also be a fundraiser, with Vintanthromodern donating fifty percent of sales to a cause aligned with social justice and equality.
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| Jun 8, 2020 10:35 am |Sumiya Khan and Chef Nour.
We were supposed to have a food processor and did not. But thanks to the right ingredients provided by Sanctuary Kitchen, and expert guidance from Chef Nour, we were able to create flavors from the city of Homs, Syria right in our own kitchen.
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| Jun 6, 2020 2:17 pm |Maya McFadden Photos
Protesters ended Friday’s 5,000-person Black Lives Matter march with an hour of singing, dancing, and celebration set to the sounds of bomba, a music of resistance.
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| Jun 5, 2020 5:27 pm |by Comments (1)
| Jun 5, 2020 12:56 pm |The rookies and the owners say we’re winning
But the old-timers who know the score best
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| Jun 5, 2020 10:21 am |Stefanie Clark Harris tuned her guitar in Jenn Stockwell’s front yard and introduced a song she had written recently, during the Covid-19 pandemic. It was about “thinking about so much” with “nowhere to go — nothing to hide from or escape from, but left with yourself,” she said. “That wound up being pretty powerful to me and this is a song about it.”
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| Jun 4, 2020 3:34 pm |Thomas Breen Photo
Downtown stores closing in March as pandemic hit.
When an emergency hits, it’s not always immediately clear which branch of government has which supreme regulatory powers — by the design of the framers of the U.S. Constitution.
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| Jun 4, 2020 2:35 pm |Reinaldo Goeyenechea/ La Voz Hispana
No one knows for certain when we first met, and died
But for our purposes let’s say you arrived
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| Jun 4, 2020 10:06 am |Is Glorious Babylon, the latest release from local rock legends Lord Fowl, a reflection of the past, a glimpse into the future, or a fresh take on rock ‘n’ roll right now? Believe it or not, it happens to be all three.
As the New Haven-based band released its third album, all the scheduled shows to promote it have been cancelled. But the music — according to vocalist and guitarist Vechel Jaynes — marches on.
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| Jun 3, 2020 12:00 pm |by Comments (0)
| Jun 3, 2020 10:23 am |“Let me keep it light and say ‘good to see you!” said Eric Rey, drummer and facilitator of the New Haven Free Public Library’s new Virtual Artrepreneur Series.
As about 20 people joined the Zoom meeting on Tuesday afternoon, his inaugural guest, musician Paul Bryant Hudson, smiled from the meeting’s neighboring window. The two musicians, who have played together many times, quickly fell into a conversation that ranged from the current pandemic, to Hudson’s learning music at his great-grandmother’s knee, to what it is to be a Black man in America today.
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| Jun 2, 2020 2:18 pm |by Comments (0)
| Jun 2, 2020 7:59 am |“West Coast Time,” by The Bargain
The Bargain, safely separated and masked as bandits or raccoons, perform “West Coast Time” just for you. Be well, and The Bargain loves you.
Posted by The Bargain on Monday, April 20, 2020
A guitar delivers a gleaming, precise hook, accented by a shining mandolin. There’s no bass, no drums. They don’t need to be there. The vibe the two instruments make is enough. “I want to live nocturnal / And see the sun rise with open eyes,” the singer’s voice interjects. “Do you know what I mean?”
That’s how “West Coast Time,” the first track from The Bargain’s new EP, The Ammer Session begins, and as soon as it starts, it has moved on somewhere else. “Everyone is asleep / and I’m traveling, traveling on the road,” the singer continues. “It’s the road along the coast / these are the things that mean the most.”
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| Jun 1, 2020 1:13 pm |The NHFPL Facebook Page
Stuck at home in this era of sheltering in place, many have turned back to long-forgotten lists of hobbies they had wanted to try, people they had meant to reach out to, personal goals they had hoped to achieve.
For the past month, five local librarians followed the trend by each setting out to read one book they’d never gotten around to reading. They gathered to discuss their experiences — and found themselves questioning what makes a book worth wanting to read in the first place.
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| Jun 1, 2020 12:17 pm |The Zoom visit to artist Chris Ferguson’s studio filled up fast, as 20 people joined within two minutes of each other. Ferguson, in his studio next to a painting of an outdoor scene, smiled back.
“Is this where all the masterpieces come from?” someone on the meeting said. Ferguson laughed.
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| May 30, 2020 11:30 pm |Ted Littleford
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| May 29, 2020 9:01 am |The hallmark of a good acoustic music show is its intimacy, a feeling of being in a living room among friends. As this week’s CT Folk at Home show with the Meadows Brothers attested, CT Folk has managed to cut out the middleman and bring folk artists directly to the living rooms of the world — as the organization also plots to bring this concert series and the CT Folk Festival and Green Expo, traditionally held Labor Day weekend, online.
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| May 28, 2020 4:28 pm |by Comments (0)
| May 28, 2020 12:18 pm |Ted Littleford
Wife still asleep all tucked in the bed
Turn on the TV, nearly a hundred thousand dead