City Budget

In 40 Minutes, $486.4M City Budget Passes

by | May 30, 2012 8:00 am | Comments (26)

The ghosts of budget deliberations past — hours-long wrangling over surprise last-minute maneuvers, split votes, angry taxpayers massing with anti-government placards — vanished from City Hall as lawmakers unanimously approved close to $500 million in new spending in less than half the time of a Saturday Night Live” episode.

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On City Budget, Compromise Wins The Day

by | May 18, 2012 8:21 am | Comments (25)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Aldermen Elicker & Hausladen vote for bigger cuts to the budget, without support from colleagues.

No to new parking fees at Lighthouse Point Park. Yes to Helene Grant School construction and New Haven Academy renovation. No to a new police communications manager and a new home for Hyde School. Yes to a study of the city’s school configuration.” No to a property revaluation in two years.

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Please Do Not Stay On Hold

by | Apr 26, 2012 8:08 am | Comments (1)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

The Finance Committtee takes it in.

Say you’ve got a street light out on your block. You’re not sure what number to call to report it, so you just call the mayor’s office, expecting to be transferred to voicemail limbo. Instead, the person answering the phone immediately punches your problem into a website that automatically issues a work order. What’s more, she calls you back a day later, when the site tells her your light has been fixed.

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Buy And Hire? Or Rent And Contract?

by | Apr 4, 2012 8:18 am | Comments (8)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Acting City Controller O’Neill at Tuesday night’s hearing.

It will suddenly cost $118,000 more to lease a warehouse to store evicted people’s stuff this coming year. That number — and a few others, including the cost of outside city lawyers — prompted a broader fiscal debate about how New Haven spends its money as lawmakers scrutinized the fine print of a proposed $486.8 million city government budget.

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A Response Comes By Cell

by | Mar 29, 2012 2:11 pm | Comments (6)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Jorge Perez wanted to know why the fire department just filled a position that, according to the proposed budget he was looking at, would soon be eliminated.

The man making a presentation to his committee, New Haven government’s budget director, didn’t know the answer. Then Perez’s phone rang.

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by | Mar 8, 2012 9:35 am | Comments (5)

Caitlin Emma Photo

Mayor John DeStefano heard tales of woe Wednesday night from East Rockers like Karen, who said she and her retired fiance don’t have the money in these hard times to pay a big new tax bill.

I’m heartsick about it,” said Karen, who declined to give her last name. I feel like we’re being pushed out of our homes.”

Continue reading ‘Ouch!’

Broadway Lease Approved

by | Jun 7, 2011 7:36 am | Comments (10)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Alderman Shah.

A year ago, aldermen passed a budget with a soft center by the name of Innovation Based Budgeting (IBB), a nebulous multimillion-dollar revenue and savings plan that never lived up to its promise. On Monday evening, aldermen agreed to sell a downtown parking lot to fill the hole left by IBB.

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