City Budget

Broadway Math: $8.5M Gone, $12M Coming Back

by | May 19, 2011 11:34 am | Comments (19)

Thomas MacMillan Photos


Leasing the Broadway parking lot to Yale means trading over $8 million in projected parking fee revenue for $3 million upfront. But it also means the city could pull in close to $100,000 a year in new property taxes — and theoretically come out over $3 million ahead in today’s dollars.

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Too Good To Be True?

by | May 11, 2011 11:08 am | Comments (5)

Thomas MacMillan Photos

Goldfield (top photo) and Kilpatrick (above).

The parking authority has a plan to bond for up to $6.1 million to pay for garage improvements. It has secured a good interest rate for the first five years of payments. It’s the second five years that have Alderman Carl Goldfield worried.

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New Schools, Old Bills

by | Apr 27, 2011 7:18 am | Comments (19)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Alderman Elicker.

Despite all the new schools in town without leaky roofs or antiquated heaters, the Board of Ed’s maintenance costs will remain unchanged this coming fiscal year. The number of people coming to work will change: The school district predicts 150 layoffs.

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City Seeks $18M For “Ineligible” School Costs

by | Apr 11, 2011 8:05 am | Comments (25)

Thomas MacMillan File Photo

The first day of school at the new Hooker School.

After students moved into a new Hooker School on Whitney Avenue, the state slapped the city with a penalty for making the building too big. Now it’s one of 12 school construction bills headed for the city’s budget next year amid a fiscal crisis.

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Thou Shalt Not Tax Us

by | Mar 18, 2011 7:50 am | Comments (32)

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Elder Johnson.

Elder Willie Johnson had a theological question for the lawmakers who want neighborhood churches like his to start paying for the cost of removing stormwater from their property. My only concern is that God sends the rain,” Johnson (pictured) remarked at a crowded public hearing. And how can we be charged for what God does?”

Aldermen Stephanie Bauer and Matt Smith responded with similarly spiritual questions, with an environmentalist bent: What penalties must people pay for disrupting God’s natural order with pollution and asphalt?

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Is New Haven Wisconsin?

by | Mar 2, 2011 2:24 pm | Comments (30) Independent Photos

Wisconsin’s Walker, New Haven’s DeStefano.

As the mayor braces for a confrontation with union leaders, he asked them to show the maturity” to distinguish New Haven government’s approach to fiscal crisis from, say, Wisconsin’s. Replied one labor negotiator: There’s no difference.

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No Tax Hike In Mayor’s New Budget

by | Mar 1, 2011 2:51 pm | Comments (33)

Paul Bass Photo

AFSCME negotiator Kevin Murphy and custodians union President Robert Montuori (foreground) at the mayor’s budget announcement.

(Updated) Parking-meter monetization is dead. Cops are spared more layoffs — for now. The mill rate stays the same. But New Haveners get less from government, and some more tough long-term fights loom, as a result of Mayor John DeStefano’s newly proposed $475 million city budget.

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