
Best Video Makes Parking Lot Sing

by | Apr 26, 2021 8:39 am | Comments (0)

Brian Slattery Photos


Guitar in hand, Alex Burnet beamed at the crowd of about 70 people assembled — in a distanced yet communal way — in the parking lot of Best Video, on Whitney Avenue in Hamden. Hope you’re enjoying this beautiful Saturday,” Burnet said. If you’re vaxxed, let me be the first to say congratulations. It’s a real privilege to be able to share music with people in this time.”

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“Doctor”‘s Order Sparks Hamden Debate On Race

by | Apr 20, 2021 4:16 pm | Comments (15)

Hamden Legislative Council members Valerie Horsely and Justin Farmer; Mayor Curt Leng.

A controversy and debate have erupted in Hamden following an incident at the town’s Legislative Council, in which a white member insisted that a Black member refer to her as Doctor.” Hamden Mayor Curt Leng and a group of local legislative leadersissued a public statement on the matter, which appears below. A group of civil-rights activists in town then wrote a response statement, which appears immediately following it below.

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Merrill Stumps For Early Voting, No-Excuses Mail-In Ballots

by | Apr 7, 2021 5:21 pm | Comments (15)

Maya McFadden Photo

Secretary of the state Denise Merrill.

Connecticut’s secretary of the state, Denise Merrill, popped into Hamden Wednesday to make a pitch to leave behind Connecticut’s 18th century voting system” and allow more voters to vote before Election Day and expand access to absentee ballots.

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Homeless Lotto Leaves Some Out In Cold

by | Mar 16, 2021 5:22 pm | Comments (18)

Courtney Luciana photo

Homeless people lining up early for a warming center spot.

Jason Rodriguez and Irma Vazquez (pictured) thought they were following rules by showing up later.

Jason Rodriguez and Irma Vazquez gambled on the best way to land a coveted spot in a refuge from the overnight sub-freezing chill. They lost their gamble, and left with no warm place to spend the night.

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The Mayor Un-friended Me

by | Mar 16, 2021 1:20 pm | Comments (24)

Sam Gurwitt Photo

Jennifer Pope: Once and future mayoral “friend.”

Jennifer Pope is co-founder of the Hamden Progressive Action Network and a Democratic State Central Committee member. We asked Mayor Curt Leng to respond to the following opinion article before we published it. He said he would re-friend Pope on Facebook; she responded to his response. Those two responses appear at the bottom of this article.

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Church Pop-Up Clinic Brings Vaccines To Newhall Street

by | Mar 4, 2021 4:15 pm | Comments (1)

Courtney Luciana photo

Rev. Keith King at Thursday’s pop-up.

Keith King, pastor of the Christian Tabernacle Baptist Church on Newhall Street, thanked the Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) on Thursday for providing 54 Covid-19 vaccine doses at a pop-up clinic.

The sign-up list at the one-day clinic for the Pfizer vaccine was made up equally of parishioners of the predominately African American church and local residents.

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Hip Hop Gets In Education

by | Feb 26, 2021 11:01 am | Comments (2)

Dr. Don C. Sawyer, a sociology professor at Quinnipiac University, mentioned on Thursday evening that he’d co-edited a book called Hip-Hop and Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline, out now as of this week. The book’s themes — of how hip hop can be used in the education system as a force to empower and uplift students — could have been the subject of a lecture.

But rather than me talking about the book,” Sawyer said, he wanted to bring together people who are doing the work.”

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