Brian Slattery |
Dec 4, 2020 3:57 pm
Brian Slattery Photos
Aaron Lara added a final touch — a sprinkling of freshly cut scallions — to a Peruvian rice bowl, one of the most popular dishes at Bomb Wings and Rice. With its combination of marinated chicken, aji verde (a flavorful green sauce) and rice and vegetables fried fast in Bomb’s special sauce, the dish balanced tastiness and healthiness, or, as owner Jason Teal put it, “naughty and nice,” a mindset that has guided Bomb since its opening in March 2019 and through the Covid-19 pandemic.
Hamden has been heated: Kerry Ellington and Police Commission Chair Mike Iezzi at a commission meeting that turned into a protest.
I was supposed to spend a few months watching elected officials fight every other Monday night. Spring would come, and I would run off to the circus, quite literally.
Sam Gurwitt |
Nov 27, 2020 9:38 am
Sam Gurwitt Photo
When Dick Pilchen walked into a basement in 1976 to check out Don Fertman’s upstart band, Fertman didn’t know he was about to get a a hit jingle, and a 30-year career as an executive at one of the world’s largest franchise companies.
Brian Slattery |
Nov 25, 2020 10:46 am
Cynthia Y. Cooper
A Show of Strength (Banner).
Cynthia Y. Cooper’s A Show of Strength might conjure a host of associations — ocean waves, birds’ wings, the ceiling of a church. It’s all of these things, and at its core, none of them. It’s just a pattern of line and color, repeating ideas. We fill the pattern with meaning, as humans do. Sometimes that tendency to find patterns, and meaning in patterns, leads us astray. But, when handled with grace, it also leads constellations in the sky and holidays around solstices and equinoxes. It can be the foundation of building a community.
Sam Gurwitt |
Nov 20, 2020 4:29 pm
Sam Gurwitt Photo
A year and a half after Hamden cop Devin Eaton opened fire on Paul Witherspoon outside his parked car, Witherspoon has reached a legal settlement with the town.
Sign of the time: No longer, thanks to building sale.
Hundreds of hungry people have lost two sources of free meals — one permanently, one temporarily — as cold weather sets in, the holidays approach, and the Covid-19 pandemic resurges.
Sam Gurwitt |
Nov 15, 2020 10:36 am
Sam Gurwitt Photo
Goeler: Painful, needed decision.
Hamden schools — which have had success with hybrid learning — will nevertheless move to entirely-remote classes starting Nov. 23 until Jan. 19 because of the statewide spike in Covid-19 cases.
Sam Gurwitt |
Nov 11, 2020 11:46 am
Sam Gurwitt Photo
Ridge Hill teachers: School feels safe, but we’re ready for remote.
Hamden schools have figured out how to operate safely in a pandemic — but it looks like fast-rising Covid-19 cases will force them to move to all-remote learning anyway starting Nov. 23.
When Sgt. William Onofrio stopped into Odie’s Place, owner Elias Defaranos had three and a half more hours in which to serve his pizzas, and he was well aware of it.
The region’s hardest-fought local race came to an end Thursday morning, as a Republican incumbent conceded to a challenger whose victory gives the Democrats a veto-proof State Senate majority.
Jorge Cabrera appeared to lead his race at the end of Tuesday night if, as expected, thousands of uncounted absentee ballots from Hamden fall heavily in his favor.
U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, with Hamden’s delegation, plus one hopeful, one New Haven senator, and Lieut. Gov. Bysiewicz.
In the last hours before polls open across the state, Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz stood in a whipping wind next to a ballot drop box in Hamden to make what has crystallized as Connecticut Democrats’ main pitch just before Tuesday’s election: Vote Democrat if you like your healthcare.
Sam Gurwitt |
Oct 30, 2020 7:01 pm
Sam Gurwitt Photo
Following a spike of Covid-19 cases in the state, Hamden Mayor Curt Leng announced Friday evening that Hamden will roll back to the state’s “Phase II” partial economic shutdown guidelines in an attempt to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Sam Gurwitt |
Oct 29, 2020 5:25 pm
Sam Gurwitt Photo
Figuratively, State Sen. George Logan was in a few different places Thursday morning before work. He was on a street corner waving to voters in the rain, he was in a meeting of the Griffin Hospital Board of Directors, and he was giving an interview … all at the same time.
Sam Gurwitt |
Oct 28, 2020 3:10 pm
Sam Gurwitt Photo
Paul Lee with Sen. Chris Murphy and Jorge Cabrera.
Chris Murphy came to his door Tuesday afternoon, Paul Lee did not ask about Supreme Court nominations or federal aid packages. Instead, he asked the U.S. senator what almost every Hamden voter asks when a politician comes to the door: When will our taxes decrease?
Brian Slattery |
Oct 28, 2020 10:29 am
A sweet, eerie film about teenagers adapting to adulthood also marked Best Video’s first adventure in streaming, as on Monday evening Hank Hoffman, Best Video’s executive director, announced that it was hosting the virtual theatrical release of Ham on Rye, which opened virtually in 22 different venues around the country on Oct. 23.
At Saturday’s youth center opening: sisters Melissa Atterberry-Jones, Melinda Atterberry-Chapman, Melony Atterberry-Brooks.
Melissa Atterberry-Jones understands that to raise a child, it takes a village. Hamden now understands that to make a village, it takes … Melissa Atterberry-Jones.