Allan Appel |
Oct 31, 2018 12:11 pm
While New Haven’s police force remains in arbitration over a new contract, Yale cops voted 67 – 2 Tuesday to ratify a long-awaited new pact with the university.
Christopher Peak |
Oct 26, 2018 8:32 am
A new city government working group is considering investing a small sum in the stock market in hopes of eventually earning back at least a hundred million dollars that it owes to its public employees.
Stanley Johnson squatted by a 9,000-pound Norway spruce he’d just hauled to the Green so that 30,000 colored lights can again cast a dreamy glow across the center of town.
Christopher Peak |
Oct 17, 2018 8:24 am
At the last minute, another challenger emerged in the heated contest for the presidency of the teachers union, along with a full slate of aspirants to the number-two spot.
Markeshia Ricks |
Oct 16, 2018 7:43 am
The Board of Alders for the first time exercised its power to scuttle top mayoral appointments by voting down the the Harp administration’s choice for the next chief administrative officer.
Christopher Peak |
Oct 12, 2018 1:54 pm
The role of New Haven’s teachers union is being seriously debated for the first time in a decade, as its longtime president faces a challenge from within his ranks.
Christopher Peak |
Oct 11, 2018 7:59 am
Grilled at a two-hour-long confirmation hearing, the returning City Hall official Mayor Toni Harp has tapped to oversee city services said his first priority will be reining in runaway police and fire overtime costs.
Christopher Peak |
Sep 24, 2018 8:08 am
A decade ago, Richard Cowes quit his high-paying job in the insurance industry to go into education. He started off teaching as a substitute, earning $50 a day, just to see what the profession would be like. After he completed an alternative certification program, New Haven hired him to teach math classes.
Allan Appel |
Sep 21, 2018 8:08 am
The John C. Daniels Inderdistrict Magnet School library has become a “ghost town.” The science fair, the school play, the book fair, and the student-made school bulletin are in jeaprody. The website is not being updated. Setting up and linking the teachers’ computers have also become difficult.
Meanwhile, the school’s longtime library media specialist, Patricia McGovern, the person who knows where to find the light switch in the auditorium and every room key, has been cut from full to half time. That has meant a loss of institutional memory in a school that has seen changing leadership over the last years.
Christopher Peak |
Sep 17, 2018 11:35 pm
Three months behind schedule, a new crop of students arrived for their first day of classes this week: the 31 police cadets who’ll be trained at the policy academy.
After 27 months of bargaining with Yale University, the university’s police force is still without a contract. Both the university and the cops’ union president say progress has been made but a proposed change to retiree health care benefits could blow up the process by the end of the week.
Markeshia Ricks |
Sep 5, 2018 8:13 am
A recent revelation that a now-ex-city employee allegedly ran up an unauthorized $11,000 tab on a city credit card has caused two alders to request a public hearing to probe deeper into which other employees have access to government-issued cards, what they’re using them for and why they have them.
Juan Hernandez |
Sep 3, 2018 10:06 am
(Opinion)—A day off to celebrate work might seem strange, but actually Labor Day is like most all-American holidays — a commemoration born of a struggle for a better life.
Unemployment in Connecticut is at a post-recession low but many families continue to struggle in the Nutmeg State where wage growth remains low, according to a new report from the New Haven-based Connecticut Voices for Children.
A plan to break up the two-person team that founded and runs New Haven Academy, one of the city’s leading schools, has caused chaos and sparked outrage days before the opening of the academic year.
Christopher Peak |
Aug 24, 2018 8:05 am
Principals newly tasked with running the district’s summer school programs are looking for a bump in their six-figure salaries. The new schools superintendent argues they already have year-round jobs.