
Westville Synagogue Shot At, With BBs

by | Apr 17, 2020 12:25 pm | Comments (2)

The Westville Synagogue on West Prospect Street was shot at, not by bullets, but by projectiles from a BB gun.

The incident likely occurred some time between April 10 and April 13. The police responded Tuesday at noon, when someone associated with the congregation entered the building and reported the damage.

No one was hurt as the building was empty due to the Covid-19 pandemic, with congregants gathering only virtually at home to celebrate the eight-day Passover holiday.

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Elijah The Prophet Dials In For Virtual Seder

by | Apr 9, 2020 9:18 am | Comments (2)


Wednesday’s state-spanning virtual seder.

We were at the point in our virtual seder when we were supposed to invite Elijah the Prophet into the room. At our table, a place had been set. Elijah’s glass of wine was full. My wife Steph was explaining to the 21 adults and 3 children assembled online that we all just needed to open our doors to let the prophet in. On each screen, we watched as people got up to open their front doors. Then a new icon appeared in the lower right-hand corner of the gallery of windows.

Oh, look,” Steph’s mother Laurie said, Elijah the Prophet is connecting to audio.”

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Easter Maybe

by | Apr 8, 2020 2:17 pm | Comments (0)

Thomas Breen photo

A near-empty Green amidst the pandemic.

(Opinion) Easter and Passover are gone, at least as we know them. The New York Times has recipes for one for Passover. Easter egg hunts are showing up as puzzles on interactive TV shows. Like some in need of a ventilator, we are desperate for the fresh breath of the religious holidays but are coming up short.

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Pastor, Rabbi Adapt, Preserve Rituals Amid Covid-19

by | Mar 31, 2020 3:05 pm | Comments (0)


Rev. Steven Cousin, Rabbi Michael Farbman, WNHH Station manager Harry Droz on “Dateline New Haven.”

Holy weeks are beginning— when Christians are accustomed to lining up for the eucharist and hearing sermons and music in church.

Passover is less than two weeks away — when Jews cram around family tables for night-long seders.

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“Sister Soup Kitchen” & Crew Adapt

by | Mar 24, 2020 10:32 am | Comments (2)

Bethany Watkins.

Maya McFadden Photo

Immanuel Baptist crew prepares meals to go.

People’s need for a meal isn’t going to change just because of this crisis,” Immanuel Missionary Baptist Church soup kitchen head Bethany Watkins said as volunteers helped her to put on a version of the church’s weekly soup kitchen modified to keep people safe, and fed, amid the spread of Covid-19.

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