Gracie Wilson of Westville worries about shelter dogs who seem cold in their concrete pens. More than that, she worries that they will not find homes of their own. Receiving $162 on her recent ninth birthday, she decided to do something about it.

At 6 years old, Gracie successfully housetrained Macie.
Inspired by Fox’s Cause for Paws program, as well as her own experience in helping to care for and raise the shelter dogs her family has adopted over the years, Gracie asked for dog food and blankets or cash donations for her Dec. 7 birthday party. She and mother Lauren Wilson have been busy buying supplies to donate to area animal shelters during the holiday season, and plan to continue fundraising and creating awareness about animals in need.

A dining table is currently doubling as a warehouse for the large sacks of dog food, blankets, towels, and other shelter staples, which are close to reaching the ceiling. “There’s something in there for cats too,” Gracie noted as she laid out her strategy for getting more dogs and cats fed and adopted.

“Can’t wait to load the sleigh this week,” she wrote on her Facebook page, announcing a new Facebook site the Wilsons have created. Gracie’s Shelter Pet Project encourages people to donate to the cause, “And you don’t even have to buy anything,” noted a post on the site. “Old towels and blankets are always needed. Dog food, cat food, laundry detergent, cat litter, toys, whatever you can do will help!”

Lauren Wilson, who is a master face and body painter with Animate My Face, painted Gracie’s face as the Grinch and added antlers to Macie, the family bull mastiff, in recreating Max, the Grinch’s loyal dog. One would really have to consider her the anti-Grinch — someone who has already learned the true meaning of Christmas.