A Weekend For Bikes & Butterfly Ladies

Despite a fearsome weather report, the outdoors were filled with people around town this weekend. At a bike jamboree” in Edgewood Park an adjunct to Westville’s Artwalk, Jeff (in his new bike helmet) learned repair tips as Brian Hornby worked on his bike.

Cleo was the first customer at Saturday’s jamboree. He also got fitted with a new helmet and had safety repairs done on his bike.

Sonja Batalden and her daughter Grace Scharen, 5, found a fun way to get around by bike. They stopped at the Bike Jamboree to get helmets adjusted and learn other safety tips.

One of the participants prepares to maneuver his bike through the obstacle course, demarcated by a dozen orange cones, and then find his way from the park” to home” through a maze of city streets” marked with sidewalk chalk, to test his knowledge of traffic rules.

On to the Green, where the Greater New Haven Peace Council Saturday sponsored an exhibit of the Peace Ribbon for Mother’s Day. Each panel (like the one pictured) commemorates an American service member or Iraqi civilian killed in the war in Iraq, and is a visual reminder of the creators’ commitment to end the war in Iraq.

Ayanna Bledsloe (on the right) described the focus of her thesis — mothers who combine parenting and political activism — while Sharon Thigpen (left) spoke of what her mother and grandmother meant to her.

A plant sale in front of the Peabody Museum brought in lots of customers. That’s Barbara Butterfly Lady” Beitch in the middle, making sales.

One happy shopper was New Havener Joel LaChance, pictured, with his two prize plants.

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