The Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut sent in this write-up of their annual meeting:
The Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut (AASCC) recently held its annual meeting with a breakfast that celebrated the Agency’s 35 years of service to the community.
“On behalf of the entire organization I want to express our deep gratitude to the State of Connecticut and all of our community partners. AASCC would be unable to accomplish so much with out all of you,” said Neysa Stallmann Guerino, Executive Director AASCC. “I am proud to report that the Agency on Aging continues to grow and evolve while our service levels increased in all areas during the past year.”
In 2009, AASCC operationalized its Aging and Disability Resource Center and the Cash and Counseling Option to the Statewide Respite and National Family Caregiver Programs. AASCC successfully transitioned the first individual from a nursing home back to community living, under the new Money Follows the Person statewide demonstration project. In addition, AASCC has also just completed negotiations with the Veterans Administration to offer a cash and counseling option for eligible veterans. AASCC also recently reviewed the needs of the older adults of its region and created the Agency’s Area Plan to serve Region Elders. This Plan will serve as a road map for the Agency activities and goals over the next four years.
“As an organization we are committed to changing the way society defines and thinks about older adulthood. As you know the older adult population is comprised of a spectrum of individuals; those volunteering or working in their communities to those reliant on a significant array of services. Unfortunately, older adults are stereotypically thought of as frail and decrepit with little to offer society yet the majority of older adults are active and civically engaged in their community. Every older adult deserves recognition and our respect and I encourage all of you to join with us in promoting the full spectrum of individuals that make up this population,” said Guerino.
The Keynote speaker for the event was Walter J. Gaffney, Chief of Staff, State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services.
Photo caption: (pictured left to right) Walter Gaffney, Chief of Staff, State of Connecticut, Department of Social Services; Neysa Stallmann Guerino, Executive Director Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut; and Edward Konowitz, President, Board of Directors, Agency on Aging of South Central Connecticut.