The Arts Council of Greater New Haven has announced that its ANDI application is now available for the Android platform. The organization launched the ANDI iPhone application last year.
As the New Haven Independent reported in September 2011, ANDI, which “is an acronym standing for ‘Arts, Nightlife & Dining Information’ … features extensive listings for music, theater, art exhibitions and special events … The entertainment listings on the app can be searched by date, genre, and venue. The dining listings can be searched by cuisine.” (The Independent is a media sponsor of the app.)
A press release issued by the Arts Council on Wednesday indicated that ANDI “was developed in association with MEA Mobile” and is “a first-of-its-kind, regional application” with which “users can visit the source organization’s website, download directions from Google Maps to the venue, set up a direct phone call to the venue, or share the details of the event through e‑mail.”
The New Haven Independent reported in September 2011 that “Cindy Clair, executive director of the (Arts Council of Greater New Haven), developed ANDI as part of the Council’s mission to help find new and bigger audiences for New Haven’s arts scene.”
ANDI for iPhone can be downloaded without cost here. Android users can download the free application here.