Carla Lia’s postcard-size piece, at first glance, seems altogether pleasant, a depiction of a girl with a heart-shaped balloon. But coming in close reveals layers of sharp humor. The picture is slipping out of the frame, which seems to be acting as a shredder to the image. Soon, it seems, girl and balloon will be in tatters. Which is where the text at the bottom comes in, feeling like a well-earned punchline: “from my cold, dead hands.”
In its combination of whimsy and seriousness, Lia’s piece is emblematic of “Love Notes,” the latest show at Artspace on the corner of Orange of Crown, enjoying a short run from now through May 16.
The gallery makes clear that Love Notes is a fundraiser, “in support of Artspace New Haven’s Summer Artspace Program.” The funds will also “help our patrons continue to be engaged in the experimental and civically-driven work we do as an institution.”
For the fundraiser, Artspace asked area artists if they would be willing to submit pieces that Artspace could sell. Over 30 artists answered the call “to submit a Love Note … creating one-of-a-kind works of art to be sold for the benefit of Artspace. We are so grateful to everyone who joined us last year to create and purchase artworks, and are excited to invite you to join us again for Love Notes 2023. We will install every submission we receive in our galleries salon-style, covering as much of our wall space as possible.”

For their part, it seems, artists took “Love Notes” as a chance to enjoy themselves. For instance, yes, that is a picture of Donovan, Mr. Mellow Yellow, reclining happily on a banana, courtesy of Hamden High student Priya Kim.

An anonymous artist, giving Artspace a handful of submissions, created a pocket photo gallery, replete with colorful details worth squinting at in order to suss out.

The artist Tru used rich, deep colors to create images of majesty and joy.

Hanscomb Ceramics donated four cups that would be perfect for green tea or sake. Their elegant shapes can’t hide the wink that they’re decorated partially with images of insects.

Meanwhile, Hannah Leckman’s plate perhaps captures the moment in the race when the hare realizes he’s about to lose to the tortoise after all.
At this time, Artspace is one of hundreds of nonprofits participating in fundraising events related to the Great Give, which ends today. Asking for money can be difficult and awkward, but it doesn’t have to be. As “Love Notes” easily reminds the viewer, it can also be fun.
“Love Notes” is on view at Artspace, 50 Orange St., through May 16. Visit the gallery’s website for more information.