Don Bamberg of the Mary Wade Home sent in these photos and the following write-up about Saturday’s block party on Atwater Street in Fair Haven.
It was a day packed with fun, excellent food and great people as neighbors gathered on Saturday, July 19 for the Annual Atwater Block Watch Community Party and Picnic. The event, made possible through a grant provided by the Community Foundation Neighborhood Program, as well as donations from local area businesses, and support from the Atwater Block Watch Community and The Mary Wade Home drew hundreds of area residents.
“An event like this keeps everyone in the community together,” said Shirley Canfield, Co-Captain of the Atwater and Pine Street Block Watch and twelve-year Resident Associate for The Mary Wade Home. “We have been doing this for four years, and every year it just gets better.”
The day featured a fire truck on display for the children, face painting, games, prizes, piñatas, basketball, an open fire hydrant to keep cool, music, dancing, and a cook-out.
“It’s a great day and I am having a wonderful time with my son and my granddaughter,” said Lennie Celestin, Resident of the Mary Wade Home.
“You see that little boy over there in the wheelchair with the ear-to-ear giant smile on his face,” said Shirely Canfield. “That is what this day is all about!”