Benefit Planned
For Ballet Director

Fiona Cullinan Firine sent in the following information about the found and artistic director of the New Haven Ballet, Noble Barker, who is battling pancreatic cancer. A benefit dance performance is planned for Sunday May 23 at 3 p.m. at the Shubert Theater to raise money for Barker’s medical bills.

Noble Barker has spent his entire career giving to the Dance Community and to the Arts and most notably has done much outreach work in New Haven Public Schools and with disabled adults. His dance piece last year, Shared Abilities,” brought joy to those who took part or were fortunate enough to watch.

We (the community) now need to give back to Noble. He, his wife Ruth (a beautiful dancer, survivor of a brain tumor herself many years and now runs the office at NHBn — these days from home while she cares for Noble) and their brave little girl Eliza (age 7) are facing overwhelming medical bills. Being an Artistic Director has been his passion. He does not bring with it the highest salary or best medical coverage. I believe he reached his lifetime medical cap some time ago.

He has inspired all of us at the ballet during his 2.5 year battle with Pancreatic cancer. He has taught classes and produced Nutcracker despite going through surgery and rounds of chemo. His humor this year during Nutcracker rehearsals made the Part Scene the best party I have ever been invited to. Noble’s party! He would learn just weeks after this past Nutcracker that his cancer had reoccurred and spread to distant sites. Still he danced in the Nutcracker. His body frail but no hint of illness in his dance form and with his trademark beaming grin. The photo of him (above) we used on the flyer — teaching his students the Snow Scene for Nutcracker — was taken this past winter while he was already very ill.

Dr Randy Pauch used his battle with Pancreatic cancer to teach us life lessons with his thoughtful words. Mr. Barker has taught us equally as important life lessons during his own battle with this disease by his example.

The students have learned through watching Noble that you may not feel your best some days but you face the day head on and give it your best shot. Put a band aid on the blister and dance on. I once overheard him reply to a teen aged dancer who was complaining that she was too tired during class to give him her best, I understand. I am going through chemo. That’s a real energy booster.” Everyone dissolved in laughter.

A call from a family member brought to our attention what the Barker family was too proud and too gracious to tell us. They needed help. We are scrambling to put together a benefit performance to raise $ but even more importantly to honor Noble’s lifetime contributions to the dance world. the Shubert Theater thinks so highly of Noble they have donated the entire theater for the event. The tech crew have each donated their time. We are pounding the sidewalks in New Haven in hopes of getting food for the reception donated by area restaurants/wine/soft drinks and items to be raffled off. We want every penny raised to go to the Barkers.

Noble is very excited about this event. He checks the Facebook page every day to see which old friends/ former students from CT Ballet (NHB predecessor) NHB days are joining the group.

Letter from Noble Barker:

Dear New Haven Ballet Students and Parents,

I am finally out of the hospital again and happily situated at home with Ruth, Eliza, Blue the cat/dog and my mother who made a surprise visit today. I have everything I could possibly need in terms of creature comforts including a special bed with magic air bubbles. The bad news it that I have some recurring cancer that the doctors at Yale New Haven are unable to treat with conventional chemo therapy. I am now enrolled in the Connecticut Hospice Home Care Program, but I am determined to attack my illness with alternative therapy.

In the meantime, I will continue to work for the Ballet in a support capacity while I concentrate on healing. This is where you have already made a great difference to my spirits with your cards, prayers, and good wishes. It has been a privilege to be part of the New Haven Ballet Community, especially during the last three years.

Letter from the New Haven Ballet Board of Directors:

To the New Haven Ballet Community,

Having read Noble Barker“s message, we are united as a community in sharing a deep sense of sadness. Despite his humor and courage in the face of this most devastating of diseases, it will take us all time to come to grips with Noble“s prognosis and to support our children and young dancers during this challenging time. Our first thoughts are with Noble“s incredibly talented and dedicated wife Ruth, and their equally beautiful and determined daughter Eliza. The Board of Directors, the Parents” Organization, the Barre Association, the faculty and staff are all working in concert to support them in every way possible. We are also working with Noble and Ruth to provide the interim support and leadership that will allow the New Haven Ballet to continue to thrive in the weeks and months and years ahead.

Noble Barker had already developed a legacy at the New Haven Ballet decades ago. He founded it in 1985 and spent 15 years growing the school and winning legions of devoted students, parents, colleagues and ballet fans. Since his return in 2006 Noble has enhanced the profile and stability of the New Haven Ballet to a far greater extent than any of us thought possible in such a short time. Our enrollment is higher than it“s ever been. Our financial position is better than at any time in the last five years despite a severe recession. The curriculum and overall program are stronger and better coordinated than ever before. Noble Barker has led the New Haven Ballet to our current state of increasing artistic and financial success. His work ensures even brighter prospects far into the future. Noble“s vision for the NHB will become our vision and his ambition for its growth will be what sustains and motivates us.

Noble continues to work on all the upcoming events that he“s either initiated or in which he has been integrally involved, such as the PO“s Raffle Fundraiser, the Spring Performances and the Summer Program. The only item he has not been involved in is the Benefit Performance and reception in his honor, which will take place on May 22nd or 23rd at the ECA or the Shubert (final information to follow). This event will be $30 for adults and $15 for children and will go to help eliminate Noble“s large medical expenses. Not only will our students perform, but dance organizations from all over the region have responded hoping to support, and perform for, this benefit. All proceeds will go to (and gifts can be sent to):

The Noble Barker Benefit Fund, Guilford Savings Bank, One Park Street, Guilford, CT 06437

If you’ve had the opportunity to hear others speak about Noble at an occasion such as the 2008 Connecticut Dance Alliance Awards (he received the Distinguished Achievement Award), you“d have a hard time pinpointing his greatest skill. Performer? Choreographer? Community Outreach Guru? Multi-tasking director? But those of us who know him realize his greatest skill, and his greatest joy, is teaching. He“s tough and funny and kind. He has a sharp eye and demands excellence. He develops strong relationships with his students and engenders their trust and devotion.

Noble is a brave, selfless man. He is an exceptional artist. And he is both a friend to us all, and an inspiration. We will honor Noble in the time ahead and we will celebrate him with all his New Haven Ballet achieves in the decades ahead. We are extraordinarily fortunate to have the continuing influence of our founder and leader, Noble Barker.

The Board of Directors

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