Bob Mel Makes Em Proud To Be American”

mwvetsday.jpgMary Wade Home’s Don Bamberg sent in these photos and this write-up.

It was a very special Veterans Day celebration at the Mary Wade Home, as residents, family, and members of staff were all inspired by the patriotic musical performance of Bob Mel. Proud To Be An American” was the theme for the evening at Mary Wade; Mel created this show especially for the seniors.

mwvetsday2.jpgIt is an event that they’ll be talking about long after the show has concluded,” said Bob Mel. I love to perform for the seniors and here at Mary Wade they are very energetic and attentive so I can put on even more of a show.”

For my mother’s 90th birthday party we had Bob Mel perform and she just loves him,” said Louise Ortoleua. Louise was part of audience of the Veterans Day show with her mother Clara Colella, a resident of Mary Wade. My mother was so excited to see him sing again here at Mary Wade. It’s a very special night for my mother and I, and a great way to celebrate Veterans Day.”

mwvetsday4.jpgA number of our residents are Veterans,” said Pat Stark, Recreation Director for Mary Wade. Tonight’s show by Bob Mel made it very special for our Veterans and for all the residents of Mary Wade.”

A Professional Entertainer, Bob has been making music for New England audiences in restaurants, night clubs and resorts, at weddings and other private celebrations for more than 25 years. His unique blend of song, warmth and a touch of comedy has endeared him to thousands and allowed him to build a career doing what he loves .„ making music!!


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