Bridget Judd: St. Patrick’s Day Parade Queen

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To say that Branfordite Bridget Judd (pictured) has been very busy since early February would be an understatement. The past month and a half have been a whirlwind,” said the 2018 Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade Queen. The whole experience is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before,” she said in an interview as St. Patrick’s Day formally arrived today. 

Judd, a Branford native, who is the daughter of Tim and Kristin Judd, lives in Short Beach. She also works as a paraprofessional at the John B. Sliney Elementary School. She’s been busy since her selection as Queen on Feb. 3 at the New Haven Gaelic Football and Hurling Club in East Haven. She is a Gaelic football player.

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That day, the candidates for queen attended a traditional Irish breakfast at the Gaelic Club and met and spoke with officers of the sponsoring Irish clubs, past Grand Marshals, and other dignitaries, followed by meetings and interviews with the contest judges. Here Branford resident John Tolbert plays the bass drum for the Gaelic Highland Pipe Band.

Her selection as the queen begins a year-long commitment, which started immediately with a number of appearances. The first big event was the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade Ball at Anthony’s Ocean View with over 400 attending. The following week included interviews with radio stations WPLR and KC 101 and a visit to an elementary school in Milford. 

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Queen Bridget Judd and her Honor Attendant Maureen Heeran from Wallingford come down Church Street.

The highlight of the week was parade day in New Haven last Sunday. Judd attended a mass at St. Mary’s Church on Hillhouse Avenue, which was followed by a reception. The parade stepped off at 1:30 p.m. on Chapel Street at Sherman Avenue, then turned onto Church Street and ended at Grove Street .

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Here comes the Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corp.

What a great day it was,” Judd said. I couldn’t believe the nice weather we had Sunday. And the crowd was unbelievable.”

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Chairman of the Board of Finance Joe Mooney plays a mean drum for the Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps..

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Parade Marshal Bernie Tolbert of Branford waves to the crowd.

It was reported that around 300,000 spectators line the parade route every year.”

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The colorful Joseph A. Ferko String Band represented the legendary Philadelphia Mummers at this year’s parade.

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It’s the largest single day spectator event in the State of Connecticut. According to the Parade Orders issued by the parade committee, 148 marching units were confirmed with 2,670 marchers participating. Here’s Ben Jacobson from Branford and his family at the parade.

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As the parade concluded Judd and Heeran posed with Grand Marshal Patrick Smith.

This week the hectic schedule continued with Judd meeting with her students at the Sliney School on Thursday where she works as a para-professional educator. She wore her crown and queen’s sash and talked to the children about her role as ambassador to the community as this year’s parade queen.

She will finish the St. Patrick’s Day holiday string of activities on Saturday at the Knights of St. Patrick 140th Annual Banquet at the New Haven Lawn Club.


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