UPDATE — The Public Building Commission (pictured) last week unanimously approved $68,471,807 as the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Walsh Intermediate School renovation and expansion project. The next and final step takes place before the Board of Selectmen.
The difference between the GMP and the $88.2 million total cost of the renovation – approximately $20 million – is for “soft costs” such as furnishings, architects’ fees, legal fees, and owner’s representative (Colliers) fees. The state is providing $30 million toward the project, which is expected to get underway in June.
According to Scott Pellman of Colliers International, the owner’s representative, the number is down slightly from $68,527,000 previously discussed.
The GMP approved reflects the cost of the subcontractors who submitted low bids on the project. Greg Plasil of Fusco Corp, construction manager, said the GMP will be submitted to First Selectman Jamie Cosgrove and the Board of Selectman as an amendment to the original contract, which doesn’t reflect the final costs because they were not known. Then, contracts will be issued for the subcontractors. The BOS voted unanimously at a special meeting this week to approve the guaranteed maximum price of the Walsh school project.
Several alternate items and accommodations brought the price down, including use of different waste drainpipes; exempting artwork, furnishings, and graphics (use of existing furniture); restoration of sports fields by refinishing them; temporary relocation work; and utility and natural gas consumption.
The commission also awarded a contract in the amount of $96,240 for storm water inspection and monitoring to Weston and Sampson of Rocky Hill.
There was also discussion of a groundbreaking event for Walsh, perhaps on the last day of school.