Holiday festivities continue with a BHS theater performance and concerts that appeal to every kind of musical taste. Don’t forget the holiday fairs and the annual Stony Creek pageant. And for those who want to exercise their musical talents, rehearsals for the annual community performance of the Messiah begin this Sunday.
Holiday House Decorating Contest
Houses will be judged on Dec. 9 and 10 between 6:30 and 9 p.m. To register, call 203 – 488-8304. Multiple prizes will be awarded.
Friday, Dec. 4
BHS Performance of “Midsummer Night’s Dream”
“Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Shakespeare’s comedic play, will be performed at Branford High School under the direction of BHS AP English teacher Maria Ogren. Performance will take place at 7:30 p.m. in the BHS auditorium. General seating tickets are available at the door.
Saturday, Dec. 5
Christmas Bazaar
Hosted by the Ladies Guild of St. Mary’s Church, the bazaar will take place in the gym from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The school is located at 62 Cedar St.
For more information, call 203 – 483-8277.
Christmas Fair and Raffle
The First Congregational Church, 1009 Main St., will raffle off a 65-inch Samsung curved screen television as part of its annual Christmas Fair. The fair will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., featuring Christmas decorations, home-crafted items, and baked goods. Raffle tickets are $20. Breakfast and lunch will be served.
For more information, call 203 – 488-7201 or go to firstcongregationalbranford.org.
PetValu Anniversary Party

The public is invited to the store’s first anniversary party, which begins at 9 a.m. and continues on Sunday, Dec. 6. There will be free refreshments for pets and their owners, raffles, special savings, adoption information, prizes and more. PetValu, located in Branhaven Plaza, has generously donated supplies and funds to the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter and other local shelters.
MTM PTA Holiday Bazaar
The bazaar will be held at Walsh Intermediate School, 185 Damascus Road, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For more information, email mtmpta@gmail.com.
Christmas Festival
United Methodist Church of Branford, 811 E. Main St., will hold its Christmas Festival from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For more information, call 203 – 488-0549 or email umcbranford@snet.net.
22nd Annual Christmas Open House
Visit the Martha Link Walsh Gallery from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A portion of the proceeds will go to the Branford Food Council. The event continues through Sunday.
For more information, visit marthalinkwalsh.com or call 203 – 481-3505.
Annual Holiday Cookie Sale
The Branford Compassion Club’s Annual Holiday Cookie Sale will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Branford Compassion Club Feline Rescue and Adoption Center, 2037 Foxon Road, North Branford. Homemade holiday cookies will be available at $4 per dozen along with gift baskets and gift certificates. Stop by for eggnog and to sample the cookie — and, of course, to visit the beautiful cats and kittens available for adoption.
“Midsummer Night’s Dream”
BHS performance at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, Dec. 6
Hanukkah 2015

Hanukkah 2015 begins tonight and ends in the evening of Monday, Dec. 14. In honor of the holiday, The Board of Selectmen has approved a request from Chabad of the Shoreline to place a Menorah on the green from Thursday, Dec. 3, to Wednesday, Dec. 16.
Rabbi Yossi Yaffe has announced a celebration will take place at the Menorah on the green on Sunday, Dec. 13, 4:30 p.m. There will be donuts, spirited song, and community spirit.
Town Band Winter Concert
The Branford Town Band will perform a variety of music for the entire music at the Branford Evangelical Free Church, 231 Leetes Island Road, at 2 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
For more information, call 203 – 415-5408.
Stony Creek Church Holiday Concert
Sponsored by the church and the Stony Creek Association, the concert will take place at 4 p.m. at Stony Creek Church of Christ, 192 Thimble Island Road. Afterwards, there will be a procession to the Triangle for the tree lighting led by the Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps.
For more information, call 203 – 488-7827.
Monday, Dec. 7
Ted Kennedy, Jr.’s Office Hours
State Sen. Ted Kennedy Jr. will listen to your concerns and questions from 5:50 to 7 p.m. at the Willoughby Wallace in Stony Creek, 146 Thimble Island Road.
For more information, visit www.SenatorKennedy.cga.ct.gov.
Tuesday, Dec. 8
Branford Arts Center Books Reading
Branford Art Center Gallery, 1229 Main St., will sponsor a book reading from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. by Idrian Resnick, who will present short readings and discussion on his four new books: “Fireman Mike,” a boy and man try to come to terms with World War II losses; “The Invisible Hand,” a thriller about our time – powerful moguls manipulate currency markets for political power; “Humpty-Dumpty Sister,” a biography of his sister’s life and death with schizophrenia; and “The Bell,” about a 7‑year-old boy, who has not made a sound since birth, who tries to survive his mother’s drunkenness and rage. Discussion, wine, apple cider and cheese, book signings and conviviality.
For more information, visit www.IdrianN.com
Tuesday, Dec. 8 to Thursday, Dec. 10
Calls from Santa
Children can speak directly to Santa through the Santa Hotline. Pre-registration is necessary by calling 203 – 488-8304 or download a form by visiting branfordrecreation.org and clicking on Special Events and Announcements.
Friday, Dec. 11
A Cool Yule

The Thimble Islands Saxophone Quartet will perform in a concert featuring songs of good cheer, traditional Christmas carols, and special holiday music. The concert will take place at 7 p.m. at the Willoughby Wallace Memorial Library, 146 Thimble Islands Road. A champagne punch reception and holiday raffle will precede the concert. Proceeds will benefit library programs and services.
Tickets are $15, available at the library. Call 203 – 488-8702 for more information.
Saturday, Dec. 12
First Baptist Christmas Fair
The church’s fair, running from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., will feature crafts, jewelry cookie walk, baked good, gift baskets, a Christmas Room, photos with Santa, music, as well as snacks and beverages. The church is located at 975 Main St.
For more information, call 203 – 488-9777.
Connecticut Accordion Orchestra
The Connecticut Accordion Orchestra will perform at the Blackstone Library at 2 p.m. For more information, call 203 – 488-1441.
Live Outdoor Christmas Pageant
The pageant runs from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Stony Creek Church of Christ Hall and featured seven nativity scenes with actors and live animals. Also participating will be the Stony Creek Fife and Drum Corps and Branford High School Music Makers. Allegro Performing Arts will give a concert at 6:30 p.m. in the church sanctuary.
The pageant’s scenes can be viewed from the Stony Creek Museum to the Stony Creek Dock. Refreshments will be served in the Fellowship Hall as part the church’s open house.
For more information, call 203 – 488-7827 or visit stonycreekchurchct.org.
A World of Holiday Celebrations
The Branford Chorale’s annual holiday concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. at St. Therese Church, 105 Leetes Island Road. Tickets cost $12 for adults, $10 for children and seniors at the door or $10/$8 in advance at Towne Pharmacy, 1012 Main St. or from Chorale members.
For more information, call 203 – 668-5691.
Branford Folk Music Society Concert
Lissa Schneckenburger and Bethany Waichman will perform at a Coffeehouse Concert at 8 p.m. at the auditorium of the First Congregational Church, 100 Main St. The play traditional New England fiddle tunes along with some original and contemporary tunes. Admission is $15 for non members, $12 for members and $5 for children 12 and under.
For more information, call 203 – 488-7715.
Sunday, Dec. 13
Pet Photos With Santa
The Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelters’ annual Pet Photos with Santa will take place from 1 to 3 p.m. The shelter is located at 749 East Main St. The cost is $10 per picture.
For more information, call 203 – 315-4125
Music Makers
The Music Makers from Branford High School will be performing their annual Holiday Concert at the Blackstone Library at 2 p.m.
For more information, call 203 – 488-1441.
Festival of Carols
The concert will take place at 3 p.m. at St. Therese Church, 105 Leetes Island Road and will include more than 20 old and new carols with scripture readings. It’s free and open to the public. A CD with the adult and youth choirs’ music from the Festival of Carols will be available for $20.
For more information, call 203 – 488-2998.
Menorah Lighting on the Branford Green
Rabbi Yossi Yaffe of Chabad of the Shoreline will lead a Hanukkah celebration at the Menorah on the green on Sunday, Dec. 13, 4:30 p.m. There will be donuts, spirited song, and community spirit. Hanukkah 2015 begins in the evening of Sunday, Dec. 6, and ends in the evening of Monday, Dec. 14.
Sunday, Dec. 20
Annual Holiday “Messiah”
For the 28th year, the holiday performance of Handel’s Messiah will take place at 7:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 1009 Main St. Community singers are invited to participate and rehearsals will be held Sunday, Dec. 6 and 13, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. and on Wednesday, Dec. 16, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the church.
The performance is under the direction of Roy Wiseman, Wesleyan University professor, who has conducted various well-known venues, and will include soloists, more than 50 community singers and a 14-piece orchestra.
This year’s performance will honor Ettie Minor Luckey, founder and artistic director.
The performance is free and a free-will offering will be collected.