Dixwell Top Cops Honored

Allan Appel Photo

Lt. Anthony Duff and Ruth Henderson.

Before he became a police officer, Anthony Duff always got his hair cut at a barbershop on Dixwell Avenue. He married at the Elks Lodge. He took his kids for good times and free food at Ruth Henderson’s annual block party on Dickerman Street every year without fail. So when he became Dixwell’s top cop in 2002, he said, for me leaving home to come to work was like coming to my second home.”

It felt like old home night again Thursday at the Charles Street substation: The Dixwell Enterprise Community Management Team (DECMT) threw a festive party to honor and appreciate Lt. Duff, who last year moved on from running the Dixwell district for eight years and most recently has ascended to the post of the police department’s chief of internal affairs.

Lt. Luiz Casanova and Sgt. Donald Harrison.

Now his replacement, Sgt. Donald Harrison, is carrying on the tradition of walking the neighborhood and developing close relationships with families there.

Outgoing Dixwell Alderman Greg Morehead read an aldermanic proclamation of appreciation for Harrison and Duff at Thursday night’s party in their honor.

(Click here to read a Cop of the Week” story about Duff’s stint as Dixwell district manager. Click here to read how Harrison collaborated on collars with one of his officers, bicycle officer Juan Monzon, who attended the festivities Thursday. And click here for a story on the community-policing approach the two district managers have encouraged in veteran Dixwell cops.)

The deepest appreciation Thursday night came from a dozen neighbors and a dozen fellow officers, such as Assistant Chief Petisia Adger and Patrol Division commander Lt. Luiz Casanova. They hailed both honorees for their professionalism, responsiveness, their open door to kids, and commitment to making the neighborhood better.

Longtime neighborhood activist Henderson, who’s stepping down as chair of the management team, said, I wanted to close out my term by thanking them. Those are two good cops.”

Of Duff’s transfer out of Dixwell, she said, They took him away before we could thank him. They stole him!”

Riddick instructs Lt. Duff.

Morehead said he was always impressed by Lt. Duff’s infectious smile even when amid tough situations. He also praised Sgt. Harrison as a no-nonsense guy who is always on top of things.”

Harrison thanked his officers and community leaders like street outreach worker Dough Bethea. I had the easiest job in the world [when he took over as district manager]. Lt. Duff cleaned everything up before I came,” he said.

Ruth Henderson called both officers her sons.”

The gathering ended with a kind of pep rally for Dixwell’s future led by former Alderwoman and eminence grise Mae Ola Riddick. Then Henderson formally transferred the management team gavel to the new president, Lisa Hopkins (pictured).

Henderson asked, by way of closing, if anyone in the assembly would like to roast either Lt. Duff or Sgt. Harrison. There was a pause. But no takers.

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