Driver Dies; Cyclist Critical

A fatal crash occurred on Middletown Avenue by the off ramp of I‑91 Exit 8 around 1:30 a.m. Saturday.

According to police spokesman Officer David Hartman, a man lost control of his van while driving at a high rate of speed. … [H]e lost control. The van skidded from the roadway. He was ejected from the van, which then rolled on top of him. He died as a result of injuries sustained in the crash.” Hartman identified the driver as Jose Suarez; his age was immediately available.

Later Saturday, at around 12:50 p.m., another, unrelated crash occurred around the same spot.

The driver of a Honda was traveling northeast near the I‑91 Exit 8 off ramp. A 21-year-old cyclist, Tina Robida, was riding in the opposite direction when she apparently made a U‑Turn and crashed into the car, according to Hartman. She went to Yale-New Haven Hospital, where she was reported in critical condition.

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