Aaron Goode sent in this write-up:
About fifty people gathered on Saturday in College Woods to celebrate the designation of East Rock Park as a United Nations Peace Park and the unveiling of a granite plaque in memory of community activist Tom Holahan (1941 – 2007). Speakers paid tribute to the many diverse aspects of Tom’s life as an environmentalist, peace activist, Green Party organizer, alderman, and member of Church of the Redeemer. At the end of the ceremony, Susan Holahan (Tom’s wife of many years) thanked the speakers and shared her own memories about Tom’s dedication to the East Rock neighborhood and to
Holahan, in addition to being the founding co-chairman of Friends of East Rock Park and 10th Ward Alderman, was the Founding Chairman of the City of New Haven Peace Commission and was responsible for setting in motion the process for East Rock to become a Peace Park. The Peace Garden at the intersection of Route 34 and Ella Grasso Boulevard in the West River neighborhood is also a United Nations Peace Park.
After the speeches concluded, Tom’s granddaughter Elsa helped to unveil the plaque honoring Tom as a “Voice for Peace, Justice, and Environment.”
The event was sponsored by the City of New Haven Peace Commission, with assistance from the City of New Haven Parks Department and City Plan Department.