Final Tally: $2.4M Of Pot

DSCN6113.JPGThe cops have finished taking stock of all the marijuana they removed from a secret drug factory, and the figure hit the millions.

In all, police reported that they removed 273 plants (average potential street value: $6,000) and 152 pounds of packaged street-ready bud” worth an estimated total of $2.4 million in a raid last Friday on a first-floor apartment across from the Yale Bowl at 1853 – 55 Chapel St. (Read about the raid here.)

girl.jpgMeanwhile, the owners of the Chapel Street house appeared in Connecticut Superior Court on Elm Street at 1 p.m. Monday. Judge William Hadden Jr. set their bonds at $75,000 apiece.

Their attorney, Ryan Bausch of West Hartford, argued for lowering their bonds to $25,000.

They’re hard-working members of the community. They take this very seriously,” Bausch said. They’ve never been in trouble before.”

guy.jpgThe owners, Reuben (pictured at the top and bottom of this story, at his arrest Friday; and here, at his court appearance) and Yomaira Hernandez (pictured above), did not speak during their brief court appearance. They were brought up to the courtroom in handcuffs from the basement lock-up. (He’s 36. She’s 32.) They did not enter a plea; the judge continued their cases to Nov. 16.

The couple at first denied any involvement in the drug operation, then told detectives that they were aware of it and hoped to profit from it, Lt. John Velleca, head of the police Tactical Narcotics Unit, said Monday. They claimed they didn’t run the operation, he said.

The couple lives on the second floor of the Chapel Street house with their 15 year-old daughter. No one lived in the first-floor apartment, which police said was a full-blown marijuana growing and packaging operation, complete with drying rooms, fans, timers, circuit breakers, and cooling, ventilation and water filtration systems. Dark plastic sheets were duct taped to the windows; some had sheet rock over them.

The couple told police they rented that apartment to a family member, according to Velleca. As of mid-Monday, police had not located the alleged tenant.

DSCN6103.JPGThe reputed operation was discovered after firefighters were called to the house Thursday evening to put out a small electrical fire outside the building’s second floor. It turned out that the couple also were accused of stealing electricity.

They were charged with several counts related to the theft of electricity and several drug-related counts, including possession of and intent to sell marijuana.

Velleca said all that marijuana the cops hauled away will be stored at the state crime laboratory pending the completion of the couple’s court case. After that, the state police will burn it all, he said.

Neighbors said they had no idea about the drug operation. A day-care center operates next door to the house.


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