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The Harbor Street Bridge over Mill Creek will be replaced starting on Monday, May 14, with completion expected by Sept. 10. As a result, it will take a little longer to get to Parker Memorial Park and Branford Point. The Harbor Street Bridge, built in 1940, spans Mill Creek where it flows into the Branford River.
During construction, the road will be closed to traffic, which will detour by way of Maple Street, Short Beach Road and Stannard Avenue. The project was first outlined two years ago, in April 2016. At that time construction was supposed to take place between April 2017 and end in the fall. Click here to read our earlier story. .
The annual fireworks display has been relocated to Ecology Park due to the construction.
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Hemlock Construction was awarded the $1.46 million contract and has 120 days to complete the project. The road and sidewalk will also be closed to pedestrians at the bridge construction site.
Information about the project can be obtained by emailing Janice A. Plaziak, P.E., Town Engineer,