The latest WNHH Radio broadcasts introduce community groups, propose secrets for living longer and happier lives, and bring a new book to the airwaves.
On “The Show,” host Michelle Turner speaks with Maureen Johnson, chair of Jesse’s Homelessness Outreach Projects or J‑HOP’s Board of Directors, about the organization’s upcoming initiatives to fight homelessness in New Haven.
Host Mubarakah Ibrahim delves into the secrets of longevity on “Mornings with Mubarakah,” debating a few of them with her husband and fellow radio host Shafiq Abdussabur.
On “Urban Talk Radio” host Shafiq Abdussabur interviews his 20-year-old son Ismail about being a black man, college student, and young professional in New Haven.
N’Zinga Shani chats with George Clarke, Rey Harp and Sean Reeves of the the Greater New Haven Business And Professional Association on “OneWorld Community Radio,” discussing the skill-building that happens at the organization’s small business incubator, and its upcoming anniversary gala.
On “This Day In New Haven History,” — the 175 anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to free the Amistad captives — co-hosts Allan Appel and Jason Bischoff-Wurstle pore over a mini-hagiography of Nathaniel Jocelyn. He’s the versatile man who painted the now famous portrait of the Amistad rebellion’s leader Joseph Cinque that’s displayed in the New Haven Museum. Jocelyn and his brother Simeon were among the earliest proponents — and builders — of New Haven of working class, multi-ethnic, race-blind housing in Trowbridge Square.
This week’s SeeClickFix Radio visits Gainesville, Florida, to learn about graffiti walls and a campaign to create the world’s most citizen-connected city. Translation: “Thank you for complaining!”
“Book Talk” is back with a new title! Host Cyd Oppenheimer discusses the new novel Girl Through Glass with its author, Sari Wilson, and then with friends and fellow readers Kate Kincaid and Alice Baumgartner. Stay tuned at the end for a middle-grade pick from a staff member at the New Haven Free Public Library.