LEAP had a great holiday bash, giving supporters the chance “to give and receive.” The organization sent in this photo, of Louise Endel (LEAP Board Member), co-host Mike Stratton, and Jean Handley LEAP Board member); as well as the write-up below from Molly Miller.
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Horse and carriage rides and flowing wine are enough to make even a grinch feel generous. Thus, Stratton Faxon’s annual Holiday Party kicked off the season with opportunities for guests to give and receive. The firm’s staff, co-tenants at 59 Elm Street, and colleagues were invited not only to a lavish event on Thursday evening (December 7th), but to donate to New Haven’s renowned youth program – with a promise from Stratton Faxon to match guest contributions.
Amid a live jazz band, cigar rollers, the aforementioned horses, and Santa collecting donations, 350 guests partied well past the appointed hour. The evening looks to be a success for LEAP, which has led child and adolescent development programs in Connecticut for 15 years.
“Civil justice doesn’t happen in a culture where children lack education, love and opportunity,” said founding partner Michael Stratton. “As trial lawyers, we know that LEAP is providing future generations with those key ingredients. This guarantees not only a smarter pool of jurors, but most importantly a healthier and more just society.”