Petisia M. Adger Photo
Saturday saw the 127th installation of new officers for New Haven Elks Lodge #25, of the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks (since 1884). The order is based at 524 State St.
The new slate made history: Bonnie Mullin and her mother, Patricia L. Mullin (Exalted Ruler Lodge 286, Ocala, Fl.) are believed to be the 1st mother/daughter Exalted Rulers serving a term during the same year.
In the photo above:
Back Row – left to right
Richard Brennan – 4 year trustee
Richard Sharron, *PER — Chaplin
Deborah Chrostek – Tiler
Hilda Kilpatrick – Inner Guard
Antoinette D’Errico – Secretary
John McLoughlin – Treasurer
Front Row – left to right
Paul Welch – Leading Knight
Nancy Gorban-Brennan, *PER – Loyal Knight
Bonnie Mullin – Exalted Ruler
Eric Parrie – Lecturing Knight
*PER = Past Exalted Ruler
Not pictured in the photo, Frank Blazi, Sr., PER, 3 year Trustee.

Patricia and Bonnie Mullen.
Of note: Bonnie Mullin and her mother, Patricia L. Mullin (Exalted Ruler Lodge 286, Ocala, Fl.) are believed to be the 1st mother/daughter Exalted Rulers serving a term during the same year.