William Boughton rehearses the New Haven Symphony Youth Orchestra.
In an effort to bolster its “education and community engagement programs,” the New Haven Symphony Orchestra has planned a “Run for the Music,” according to a press release issued yesterday.
“We’re always looking to raise money” for different parts of the organization’s overall mission, Elizabeth Meyer-Gadon, the orchestra’s sponsorship and promotions director, said Friday.
Specifically, the “Run for the Music” is a fundraising effort conceived by Meyer-Gadon to support “our music-education programs,” which include, among others, the New Haven Symphony Youth Orchestra and Young People’s Concerts.
Meyer-Gadon said the organization’s Young People’s Concerts reach some 3,000 students from the Greater New Haven area and about 9,000 from around the state each year — the goal being to provide schoolchildren an understanding of what classical music is all about.
The above-mentioned press release indicates, in part: “Each year the NHSO touches the lives of over 30,000 young people and life-long learners.”
A runner herself, Meyer-Gadon said she listens to music while jogging. Along the 5K “Run for the Music” course, a number of high-school pep bands will entertain participants — be they runners or walkers — as they make their way to the finish line.
“Awards will be given to the top three 5K finishers in each division (men’s and women’s), the largest pre-registered group, as well as prizes for the top fundraiser,” according to the press release.
The “Run for the Music” will take place in East Rock Park (beginning at the College Woods Pavilion) on Sunday, May 15. A half-mile “Kids’ Run” will take place in addition to the 5K race.
Meyer-Gadon said she welcomes the participation of runners, walkers, and sponsors.
Race participants can register, until May 13, at jbsports.com.
Those interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities should contact Meyer-Gadon by telephone at (860) 395‑9750 or by e‑mail at development@newhavensymphony.org.