Yale Launches New Vocal Ensemble

Yale Glee Club Photo

Jeffrey Douma

Auditions will be held in New Haven and New York in September for a new professional choral ensemble” organized by the Yale School of Music and Yale Glee Club, according to the school’s website

The Yale Choral Artists will be a project-based ensemble comprised of leading professional singers from around the country and will be directed by School of Music faculty member Jeffrey Douma,” according to the Yale School of Music website.

Douma, who teaches conducting at the Yale School of Music and directs the Yale Glee Club, said in an e‑mail, Our hope is that the Yale Choral Artists — as a project-based, postgraduate ensemble not tied to the academic calendar — will be an innovative and exciting way to expand upon what our choral program is already doing. We also hope to make some very exciting music.”

Robert Blocker, dean of the Yale School of Music, was quoted on the school’s website as saying, in part: Gifted singers from throughout the nation will not only bring a new artistic voice to our concert programs but also mentor Yale undergraduate and graduate students. … Jeff’s artistic presence is receiving international acclaim, and the professional activities of the Yale Choral Artists will further the international partnerships of both the School and the University.”

In February, the Yale Choral Artists will perform under the direction of William Christie at Zankel Hall (at Carnegie Hall) in New York City. The ensemble will also perform at the Yale International Choral Festival in June.

Live auditions for the Yale Choral Artists are scheduled to take place on September 18 in New York City and by appointment in New Haven before September 24. Recorded auditions must be received by September 24. Audition details and requirements are available here

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