There are no news breaks on the worldwide web. Right?Well, in this corner of the web, there will be: For the first time in our nine years of publication, the Independent’s unplugging for two weeks.
We checked the assignment desk. (See above video.) Nothing much to report for now.
So no new stories will appear on the until after Labor Day. We’re taking a break! Recharging, while we bring in some new voices to the news room.
In the meantime, we’ve filled the home page with some old favorites among the 18,000 or so stories we’ve published to date. In case you’d like a news fix in our absence.
Enjoy the rest of August! And if you miss us while we’re taking a break, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help this not-for-profit news source pay the bills.
Bonus tracks?: Below are some old disintegrating compost-heap reports from deep in down in the pile … er, archives …