Paul Bass Photo
Thank you Ms. Wein. You taught Pamela Soulos well.
Soulos (pictured) is a champion New Haven Independent typo-catcher. She picked up her victory mug Wednesday after winning the latest reader typo-catching: She corrected … count ‘em … 245 errors (whew!) in Independent stories since June 30.
Soulos, a data analyst at a Yale Medical School cancer research group (one of the favorite parts of her job: proofreading), credited her high-school English teacher, the late Lois Wein, for turning her into a champ.
“She was a stickler,” Soulos said. A stickler, and, like many English teachers worth their salt, “a little frightening.”
If you find any typos in this story or in other Independent stories, please let us know here. (Please include a link to the story too.) A new round’s beginning.