They told me to open up, they told me I was ready
They told me it was safe, measures had been taken
So I reached out, I breathed, I tested the air
You see, they announced, it’s fine out there
So tell your friends, tell two, three, or more
To raise their windows, open their doors
All right, I said, I’m a team player, I’ll do as I’m told
Then why, they replied, do you linger on your threshold
I’m slow, I said, I’m nervous, but you’ll see I am ready
Fine, they replied, but your example must be steady
Don’t you want to beat this virus, to give it the rout
Absolutely I said, I merely need a moment for reflection
Rest assured, I’m moving in your direction
No you’re not, they clamored, you’re neither in nor out
No, no you’re wrong, sir, I’m moving slowly, but ahead
Won’t you permit me first to carry out my dead?