The rookies and the owners say we’re winning
But the old-timers who know the score best
Say we’re just in the top of the second inning
Take care, they say, prepare to play the rest
You can hope for the fences, but get out of your thrall
The best approach is be smart, just meet the ball
No matter who’s pitching, fast ball or curve
Breathe deeply, don’t lose your nerve
That’s our new national pastime, our pandemic fate
Not always to focus on the homer, redefine home plate
Also, everyone’s got to be a catcher
And wear the mask and know the signs
The game is old but there are new designs
And don’t forget the new basics:
You’re part of a team, you’re not alone
You score the most by staying home
It’s a long season and not every game is fun
A walk is as good as a single
And a walk in the park’s the new home run
The stands may be empty but patience is still an art
Hold your position, play your part
For the wind’s blowing hard in the outfield
And sometimes the lights go dark
It’s only the second inning
In this strange new ball park.
Pandemic Home Repairs
The railing’s wobbly, someone could fall
There’s a leak in the roof, boards loose in the hall
And the back door’s unhinged, and so are you
Yet the projects must be attended to
Yet in this pandemic, what does one do?
If you can’t do the work yourself
Why not call on the handyman elf?
Or his remarkable pal, if you prefer
That levitating carpenter
They both live down the street
And do the work and never speak
They’re always masked and wear their gloves
Fix everything while hovering above
They also toil without a peep
And get it done, if you ask, while you’re asleep
And leave no germ, no virus, no trace
And the quality is always first rate
You hardly hear a hammer, it’s so quiet, so still
And they also rarely leave a bill
Railing, hall, roof, all beautifully repaired
And you hardly know anyone was there
Everything’ solid, like new, without a mistake
Sure, happy to give you their number when I awake
And rise from these pillows and this comfortable chair.