This morning definitely one of the most beautiful ever
At least from this tiny perspective never
Has the light been more sparkling, the breeze more refreshing
Even the bird song not too loud or too soft
As if there were a Conductor in charge
As if there were some kind of baton aloft
You warblers in the backyard, let me hear you please
You cardinals, from the diaphragm (if you have one) ease
It out so your red coats turn even redder
Highway in the distance let’s hear your thrum
Think soldiers marching to the drum
Trees, you’re stuck on just one foot so don’t fall
Don’t slouch, be who you are, stand tall!
Now you humans, you’re all over the place
Watch me, and breathe. Breathe, breathe and watch the baton,
How else will you know where you belong?
Feel it before you sing is the best way to sing your song
And you there, you woodpecker, the tympany
Are you paying any attention to the rhythm or to me?
All right now, you spiky little viruses, in the back row
You’re the waves, you’re the undertow, so cut us some slack
The listeners know you’re coming back
Now’s the time to keep your part subdued
How beautiful it is when the others come through.