To Infect Or Not To Infect

To infect or not to infect? Isn’t that today’s question?

How else may I pose it? What other way could it be?

Or do we all by venturing outside and resuming our lives

Take our chances to spread the virus, or survive

Instead by hiding from each other’s involuntary killing breath?

How understandable, how human, how normal and yet

In the process are we not wracked to the core

By not holding the hand of one you adore

One more time by the bedside, just once before the end

To whisper, whether true or not, Yes, I will see you again

And after such loss and irreconcilable pain

We go on yet in a masquerade, a living kind of dying

For choosing one path over another hardly sets us free

At best the agonizing day passes slowly, and lets us be.

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