This holiday giving season, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to keep not-for-profit public-interest local journalism thriving in New Haven.
You can do that by contributing money to the Online Journalism Project, the 501(c)3 organization that publishes the New Haven Independent, Valley Independent Sentinel, and Branford Eagle, and launched WNHH radio this fall. As a not-for-profit, we pay the bills through charitable donations from readers like you.
You can make the contribution in numerous ways, including:
• Signing up for a recurrent $10 or $18 monthly contribution through PayPal. Click here for details.
• Writing a check to “Online Journalism Project” and mailing it to New Haven Independent, 51 Elm St., 3rd floor, New Haven CT 06510. A $120 annual contribution qualifies you as a “sustainer.” The higher levels of individual giving include: Basic Angel ($250), Super Angel ($500), Ultra Angel ($1,000).
• Sponsoring a radio program (either individually or as an organization) on WNHH. Please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for details on that.
• Becoming a site sponsor (either individually or as an organization) for the Independent, at $15,000 a year. Please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for details on that.
Thank you, New Haven, for your ongoing support — and thank you for reading!