Quinnipiac East Looks To Cut Energy Costs

tina%20and%20cake.jpgBefore getting down to the serious business of holiday (and birthday) partying, about 30 neighbors at Tuesday night’s Quinnipiac East Management Team engaged in serious discussion about sneakers, dangerous heat sources and energy conservation.

Linda Davis, the Livable City Initiative staffer for the neighborhood, reported that efforts are underway to remove graffiti as well as sneakers that are tied to overhead wires.

Someone asked what the sneakers signify. Drug dealing,” one neighbor chimed in.

Lt. Jeff Hoffman, the district’s top cop, responded that it might or might not mean that.

Davis also mentioned that in most of the area, foreclosures are still rising. We’re trying to keep on top of it and see what we’re going to do about all these houses.” She said in some areas, there are blocks and blocks of empty houses.” To learn about the ROOF Project, a community-wide effort to help New Haveners navigate the foreclosure crisis, click here.

george%20page.jpgDavis passed out three different fliers from United Illuminating targeted to helping consumers lower their energy bills. Management Team chairperson George Page (pictured, in his Santa Claus tie) asked if folks would like a UI representative to come to the group’s next meeting to share more information about energy efficiency. I think it’s something we all need to hear right now,” he said, and they agreed.

Next, Fair Haven Heights Alderman Alex Rhodeen who sits on the aldermanic Public Safety Committee, said he recently heard testimony about dangerous alternative means of heating homes.

alex%20rhodeen%20qemt.jpgMy hope is that everyone here has their home safely heated by gas or oil,” he said. Please don’t try and heat your home with an alternative means, whether it’s turning on the oven and leaving that open, or using a kerosene heater [which is illegal in New Haven], or some people bring in gas grills and light those. The hazards are tremendous, the risks are very great, not just from the fire itself, but also from carbon monoxide poisoning.”

He said any space heaters should have an automatic shutoff, and added that those in need of help paying for fuel or needing other information about heating sources should dial 211.

Quinnipiac Meadows Alderman Gerald Antunes (pictured) also sits on the safety committee. He urged residents to install not only smoke detectors but also carbon monoxide detectors.

gerry%20antunes%20qemt.jpgAntunes (pictured) also announced a public hearing on Dec. 16 at 200 Orange St., when UI will make its case for yet another rate increase. (Click here for a previous story.) Antunes said in the letter UI sent out listing three reasons why it needs another increase. The first reason was that due to energy conservation, the company is selling less electricity and therefore making less profit.

The company came around and helped us conserve energy,” he said incredulously, and now you want to penalize us by raising rates because you’re not making as much.” He urged residents to contact their state reps if they oppose such a move.

Page ended the business meeting this way: Before we go over to the table where our food is, pray for the ones who don’t have it, for peace, and a better tomorrow.”

3%20people%20and%20food.jpgThen a jazzy Christmas recording was popped into the CD, and it was on to a serious spread of pizza, chicken, quiche, drinks and lots of desserts, including a birthday cake for neighborhood stalwart Tina Jendrzewski. Happy holidays!

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