Recount Ordered In Ward 25

(Updated 10:35 a.m. Wednesday) A Westville aldermanic race won’t be officially decided until Friday.

The race was the Democratic Party primary race in Ward 25.

Union-backed candidate Adam Marchand defeated City Hall-backed candidate Michael Slattery Tuesday by a slim 459 – 440 margin, including absentee ballots. Slattery got 18 absentee votes to Marchand’s 13.

The final results weren’t available until Wednesday morning, after elections officials counted those absentee ballots inside the Hall of Records at 200 Orange St. Tuesday night. An Independent reporter, candidate Marchand and a small crowd of vote-pullers from the ward couldn’t get into the building to observe — a common occurrence every year when the city counts absentees.

At midnight, moderator Jonathan Einhorn (a former Ward 25 alderman) announced that counting was done. He said the absentee ballot count was 18 – 13, narrowing the overall margin of victory to 19 votes. He said it was too late to retrieve a computer file sent to the Secretary of the State and examine which side got the 18 and which got the 13. He said he and other officials doing the counting did not remember which candidate prevailed.

Einhorn said officials did not intentionally shut out the public from the count. He said a security guard failed to heed bangs on the public building’s doors to be admitted. He said officials were not able to recover those numbers.

(This has occurred each election for the past few years as the Independent has sought to observe absentee ballot counts.)

Because the total margin of victory was below 20, state law mandates an automatic recount. He said that recount will take place Friday.

Marchand said his campaign circulated about 12 or 13 absentee ballots.

Slattery said around midnight, I don’t have an exact number” of absentee ballots his campaign collected.

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