Rubber Laid On Edgewood

Contributed Photo

Tire tracks from a morning car accident stretched from 851 to 829 Edgewood Ave., according to a neighbor.

That neighbor, Independent reader Susan Rubinsky, sent in this photo of the scene of a Monday car accident on Edgewood Avenue between marvel Road and Alden Avenue.

The accident happened around 11:30 on Monday morning, she said. She was sitting in her home office on Edgewood Avenue and heard a sudden screech and crash. Running outside, Rubinsky saw several cars involved in a collision. No one seemed to be hurt.

She said the car that laid the rubber had been speeding east on Edgewood. She overheard the car’s driver tell police I wasn’t going that fast,” Rubinsky said.

I live on this road and observe vehicles racing far above the speed limit on this road almost every single day,” she said. It’s a real common problem.”

The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but people regularly travel at least 10 mph faster than that, Rubinsky said. At least once a day, a car goes by traveling at around 50 mph, she said.

It’s a residential neighborhood, people don’t need to be going that fast,” she said.

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