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Tire tracks from a morning car accident stretched from 851 to 829 Edgewood Ave., according to a neighbor.
That neighbor, Independent reader Susan Rubinsky, sent in this photo of the scene of a Monday car accident on Edgewood Avenue between marvel Road and Alden Avenue.
The accident happened around 11:30 on Monday morning, she said. She was sitting in her home office on Edgewood Avenue and heard a sudden screech and crash. Running outside, Rubinsky saw several cars involved in a collision. No one seemed to be hurt.
She said the car that laid the rubber had been speeding east on Edgewood. She overheard the car’s driver tell police “I wasn’t going that fast,” Rubinsky said.
“I live on this road and observe vehicles racing far above the speed limit on this road almost every single day,” she said. “It’s a real common problem.”
The posted speed limit is 25 mph, but people regularly travel at least 10 mph faster than that, Rubinsky said. At least once a day, a car goes by traveling at around 50 mph, she said.
“It’s a residential neighborhood, people don’t need to be going that fast,” she said.