The middleman is out: Post your events, or your observations about neighborhood problems, directly through the homepage of the Independent.
As of Monday, we’ve added two features to the site in conjunction with two community organizations, one old, one newish. The features can be accessed from the top of the far right-hand column of the homepage.
The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is sponsoring our new events calendar. It was designed by the Independent’s webmaster, Kyle Summer of Smartpill.
The calendar is self-serve: If you have an event, go right on and enter the information, with as much detail as you want. Within 24 hours (36 hours over the weekend), it’ll be posted to the calendar, and stay up there for good. Feel free to post as long in advance as you want.
And of course check out the calendar when you’re planning what to do, either today, or a week or month from now. A sample appears on the home page; you get to the full calendar here.
Similarly, a sample appears every day of the latest reports to SeeClickFix about potholes, drug-dealing, graffiti, and other neighborhood problems in the city. Click through there to get to the site, file your own reports, or chart the progress on other reports.
Even though it’s not round and flat (like, say, lollipops, hamburgers, apizza, frisbees), SeeClickFix ranks as one of New Haven’s great inventions. East Rock’s Ben Berkowitz launched the site; it’s spreading across the country. It’s already put city government on notice and power in the hands of citizens. Check it out here.