Michelle Turner Photo
Starting at 10 a.m. Monday, canned goods, boxes of stuffing,spices,cake, seasonings and bottles of water, along with 250 turkeys, poured out of the firehouse at the corners of Goffe and Webster. Between 5:30 and 6 p.m., all that remained were some bottles of water, a case of cake mix and a few cans. Plus stacks of empty boxes.
The Thanksgiving donations were collected by students at the Edgewood School and given away by the New Haven Guardians and the New Haven Firebirds, organizations representing black New Haven cops and firefighters.
A very tired Gary Tinney, president of the Firebirds, hopped out of his truck to explain how long they and the New Haven Guardians, had been giving out turkeys and the fixin’s most of the day.
“We gave out 250 turkeys. Last year, it was 450 — but, the price went up, so we couldn’t do what we usually do,” he said.
A retired firefighter walked in and saw some people being turned away, and gave a hundred dollars toward more birds. “It’s tough,” Tinney said. “There’s a real need, a real need.”
The turkeys — came from Stop n’ Shop. “The Owl’s Nest” Bar and Grille donated $500, and the students at Edgewood School took on the challenge.
“Every year, the school senate at Edgewood asks each class to collect food for our drive. And every year, whoever collects the most food items, they recieve a pizza party. And it gives us the chance to go into the school, and mentor and interact with the kids,” Tinney said. “The event will take place on Dec. 7th and we’ll enjoy the pizza party with the kids, and thank ‘em for everything.” He didn’t know yet which class donated the most; he said they would find out next week.
The leftover foodstuffs will go to shelters and some of the elderly housing complexes in New Haven. In anticipation of Christmas, on Dec. 5th, both organizations, along with Easter Seals and Goodwill, will sponsor a coat and toy giveaway at the field house on Sherman Parkway.