12 Arrested for Fireworks

Some traditions can get you in trouble. Igniting fireworks to honor Independence Day, for instance. 

Eleven men and one juvenile learned this the hard way after neighbors decided they had had enough and asked the Branford police to help — before July 4th rolled around.

On the 4th they allegedly ignited all the fireworks they had purchased, just as they done in years past.

Only this year the police were watching and arrested them for possessing illegal fireworks. Police said the 11 men and one juvenile purchased the fireworks illegally. 

In addition to the arrests, officers said, they seized approximately 80 pounds of the illegal explosives. The confiscated explosives consisted of large aerial explosives, some smaller rockets and other aerial displays, all of which had been purchased out of state and illegally transported to Branford, police said.

Chief John DeCarlo said the arrests could not have happened without community involvement: Our involvement and collaboration with the community neighborhoods has evolved to the point that they want to prevent crime and improve their quality of life in partnership with the police.

To that end, we received many calls after last year’s holiday and over the past several weeks alerting us to illegal firework displays in their area. As a result, our officers responded to the community’s needs as we have in the past, and will continue to do in the future.”

Capt. Geoffrey Morgan said the neighborhood complaints centered on noise and burning debris falling onto neighborhood roofs. The police acted after they received numerous complaints from residents before the July 4th weekend. The eleven adults were charged with misdemeanors. They could face a fine or a jail sentence or both.
The following were arrested for possession of fireworks:

Nathanael Andreozzi, 24, of 171 Linden Ave. Branford; Vincent Beedle 46, of 77 Saddle Hill Dr. Guilford; Paul Bunnell,49, of 33 Greenfield Ave. Branford; Freddy Manuel Chusino-Juela,33, of 2241 Boston Post Rd. Guilford.

And William Frechette, 50, of 16 First Ave. Branford; Anthony Giordano,19, of 19 Terhune Ave. Branford; Michael Horrigan,28, of 186 South Montowese St. Branford; Brian Massey,49, of 11 Tanglewood Dr. Branford; Justin McCobb,30, of 7 Mona Ave. Branford; Robert Miller,37, of 39 Elm St. Branford; Matthew Rooney,28, of 229 Branford Rd. North Branford.

All were released in their own recognizance with the understanding they are due to appear in New Haven Superior Court on July 13.


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