Dr. Caterwaul’s Cadre Of Clairvoyant Claptraps have upcoming area gigs.
Dr. Caterwaul’s Cadre of Clairvoyant Claptraps must have had a premonition that their concert, despite a little rain, would go on as scheduled.

Rain showers were short lived and the band played on.
Umbrellas were opened a few numbers into the Beecher Park Summer Concert series and Hi-Fi Pie contest, but concert goers weathered the passing shower to enjoy an evening of live music and delicious pies Monday outside the Westville branch library.
Click on the video to see the band perform “Dela (I Know Why The Dog Howls at the Moon),” by Johnny Clegg and Savuka, a South African pop band.
The cadre of musicians, whose sound is characterized as “Intuitive, flowing improvisations on folk music of various sources,” have played Westville’s Lyric Hall several times before, and played a New Haven Review literary event at the most unlikely of places earlier in the year. The bay doors of Westville’s Aquila Motors that day opened for an evening of literary readings paired with the musical musings of Dr. Caterwaul’s Cadre of Clairvoyant Claptraps.

Tim Kane (right) joins Dr.C’s for a Fats Waller number.
Monday night’s concert featured the addition of tuba player Keith Yarborough and Westville trumpet player Tim Kane, who sat in for a few numbers along with regular band members Brian Slattery (fiddle, banjo, trombone), Adam Matlock (accordion and vocals), Michael Paolucci (percussion) and Chris Cretella (guitar).

These barefoot dancers were moved by the music.
Next Sunday, Aug. 25, the band celebrates the release of a dual CD, both An Historic’s “Small Mercies” and Dr. C’s “Songs of Mirth and Sorrow,” with a free, 6 p.m. concert at Pitkin Plaza on Orange Street. The band may also be seen at Cafe Nine on Wednesday Aug. 28 (starting 9 p.m.), when, together with the Cygnet Sisters, “they stomp and glide their way through selected songs from the massive catalog of Kurt Weill, one of the most interesting and influential songwriters and composers of the 20th century.”

Emily Kane collects pie money while Naomi Senzer serves up a pie combination sampler.
In the last pie ‑baking contest of the summer Hi-Fi Pie concert series, apple and pear pies competed for the attention of guest judge Nikki Mangino of the Sono Baking Company headquartered in Norwalk, Connecticut. Over four weeks of competitive pie-baking by amateur pie bakers, around 60 pies were submitted and consumed, according to coordinator Naomi Senzer .

Naomi Senzer, left, pie judge Niki Mangino, center, Pie Contest winner Bernadette Costa, right.
Grand prize winner of the pie contest was Bernadette Costa with her classic apple entry. Other winners and runners-up included Naomi Senzer, Holly Jermyn, Miriam Berkman, Marie McDaniel, Christine of Active Fitness (healthiest pie), and runner-up Lucy O’Connell.

Sign of the successful summer concert series.
The successful concert series was organized and presented by Westville Village Renaissance Alliance with the New Haven Free Public Library-Donald Mitchell Branch, and by sponsors including DECD (Department of Economic and Community Development), Southern Connecticut Gas Company, University of New Haven, and the United Illuminating Company.