Yale-China Association, which is part of the official New Haven delegation visiting China to cement a new sister-city relationship with Changsha and try to attract new investment in New Haven, sent the following photos and write-ups from the trip.

Contributed photos
Mayor Toni Harp, the first woman mayor of New Haven, was welcomed to Hong Kong today by Ms. Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong S.A.R. Also in the meeting were (left to right) Marc Camille, president of Albertus Magnus College, David Youtz, president of Yale-China Association, Althea Norcott, representing New-Haven Sister Cities, and Andrew Wolf, New Haven director of arts, tourism and culture.

Mayor Harp addressed the Yale Club of Hong Kong and the American Chamber of Commerce of Hong Kong. She and Yale-China Association President, David Youtz, shared hopes for the new Changsha — New Haven Sister Cities relationship, and highlighted New Haven as an attractive destination for Hong Kong business investment.

Click here to view an earlier set of photos from the trip.