Thomas MacMillan Photo
As the city prepares regulations that could create more parking spots for bikes, one cycle-friendly alderman is pushing for more green transportation measures: Dedicated spots for ZipCars or carpoolers, for instance. And showers for bike commuters.
East Rock Alderman Justin Elicker made those requests at a recent meeting of the City Plan Commission, of which he is a member.
On the table were proposed new ordinance amendments designed to make the city more environmentally sustainable. The amendments, drafted by the City Plan Department and the Office of Sustainability, cover bike parking, car parking, coastal management, erosion, lighting, heat reflection, and stormwater drainage.
The commission tabled the proposed amendments for further discussion. They will require final approval by the full Board of Aldermen.
The Nov. 17 meeting was the second time City Plan has discussed the proposed amendments. In September, when the commission took them up for the first time, the board heard from cycling advocates who applauded the plans, and asked for more.

At the meeting, Elicker (pictured) said he was a little confused by the changes that had been made to the bike parking regulation after the previous meeting. Elicker said that he had hoped to see incentives for developers to put in bike parking. For instance, regulations could allow a builder to put in fewer than the required number of car parking spots if bike parking was provided.
Elicker said instead of that notion, he saw that developers would be given two options, both of which simply require them to provide bike parking. Elicker acknowledged that it’s not a great distinction, but he said he wanted to see more “carrots” for developers to encourage bike parking.
Elicker also asked Deputy Director of Zoning Tom Talbot if he had looked into adding zoning regulations that would incentivize developers to have parking spots for car-poolers or for car-sharing services like ZipCar, or regulations that could encourage developers to put in showers for bike commuters.
“I’m concerned about enforcing something like that,” Talbot said. If people aren’t doing car-sharing or carpooling, then the spaces set aside will just be wasted, he said.
“Do these exist in other zoning regulations?” Elicker asked.
“I haven’t seen them,” Talbot said. “But I haven’t done any deep research.”
Elicker suggested the commission approve the other regulations, but leave aside the parking and bikes amendments, so they can be improved.
“I do think this should be ambitious,” he said. The city shouldn’t be afraid to look into other options, he said.
“Fear doesn’t have anything to do with it, Justin,” Talbot said. Besides, he asked, what do carpooling and car-sharing have to do with bikes?
“With all due respect,” Elicker said. “I asked you to look into it.”
“I did look into it,” Talbot replied. “Just because I didn’t find what you were looking for doesn’t mean I didn’t look into it.”

Talbot (at left in photo) suggested the commission approve the amendments. The ordinances can always be amended further, he said.
Commission Chair Ed Mattison suggested voting be postponed until the next meeting. “I am worried about the perfect being the enemy of the good,” he said. “There are some really good things in here.”
“I agree 100 percent,” Elicker said. But the commission should take its time, making it that much more likely that the Board of Aldermen will approve what it eventually recommends, he said.
The commission agreed to table the matter until the December meeting.
Elicker said he will be researching additions and revisions to the amendments between now and then.