Chris Schweitzer Photos
Riders line up for the 20-mile ride.
Pedal power brought over 1,100 people from East Rock to West Rock and in some cases Sleeping Giant on two wheels Saturday for the annual “Rock to Rock” group charity ride. The event generated not just unmeasurable amounts of exercise and fun, but also more than $140,000 for 23 local not-for-profit groups doing environmental work.
Solar Youth kids get ride for the family ride.
Timed to Earth Day, the event has grown in just five years to one of the city’s most energetic and popular grassroots events. It started Saturday at Common Ground at the base of West Rock and ended in East Rock’s College Woods section with an environmental fair.
Susan Bramhall and Allie Perry prepare for the 20-mile.
The rides ranged from a metric century (a little over 60 miles) to a 20-miler (from Sleeping Giant) to 8‑mile versions for adults and for families.
The Nameless Trio entertain riders at Common Ground.
The Pre-Game Show

David Sepulveda caught these shots of cyclists and their friends preparing to set out from Edgewood Park.

David Sepulveda Photos