The Human Services Committee of the New Haven Board of Alders will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 12 in the Alder Chamber of City Hall, 165 Church St., re:
* From Alder Furlow, an order calling for a public hearing to address drug addiction as a chronic
disease in the City of New Haven and for the appropriate city officials to develop an action plan
that recognizes drug addiction as a chronic illness and sets forth proposals for effectively
addressing this crisis in our city.
* From Alderpersons Brackeen, Hurt, Rodriguez, Reyes, Colon, and Roth submitting an Order
calling for a hearing to address community concerns related to services provided by the APT
Foundation, specifically to members of the recovering community.
* From the Director of Health submitting a Resolution authorizing the Mayor to accept a
subcontract grant award from Griffin Hospital for $25,000 ($5,000 annually for five years) to
provide education programs for preventative medicine from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2023.
These items are on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, Room 202, 200 Orange Street, New Haven. Per order: Hon. Darryl J. Brackeen, Jr., Chair; attest: Hon. Michael B. Smart, City Clerk.
For a disability-related accommodation, please call (203) 946‑7833 (V) or (203) 946‑8582 (TTY) at least three business days prior to the meeting.